Re: problème avec carte sdxc de 512Go sur mon appareil-photo

on Disinfection by ****

voici le rapport usbfix par cjoint:

voici le rapport zhpdiag par up2share:

Re: why couln't remove 'albireo"

You need to use an antivirus, to protect your PC from such infections, but sometimes you can just remove the unwanted program manually. Here's an article about both manual and automatic methods to remove Albireo, and it really works for all browsers and all versions of Windows. Anti-viral software is very useful to protect you from incoming threats and warn you about the suspicious files and pr...

Re: problème avec carte sdxc de 512Go sur mon appareil-photo


Bienvenue sur le forum ! Nous allons essayer de régler ton problème ensemble. D'abord, quelques rappels :

  • N'ouvre pas d'autres sujets pour le même problème (que ce soit sur ce forum ou sur un autre)
  • N'hésite pas à poser des questions en cas de besoin ;)
  • Sois patient(e) quand tu postes un message, je ne réponds pas instantanément : je suis bénévole et je ne suis pas en permanence de...

Re: AdwCleaner v5.107 détécté par avast

Pour info, je viens d'avoir un problème similaire à l'instant (2016-03-31 12h31) avec AdwCleaner v5.108 et Windows 10 SmartScreen.

"Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might pur your PC at risk..."

Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"


Can you uninstall AdwCleaner (launch it -> Uninstall), and then re-download it from here :


Re: Impossible charger base de données

on AdwCleaner by ****

Just downloaded and installed new v5.108

Now working perfect. It's fast and no more DLL errors. Thanks for fixing this :-) 

Re: adwcleaner 5.108 "database cannot be loaded"

I've been getting this issue with several versions of ADWcleaner for a couple of weeks on multiple machines at multiple sites. We haven't been able to run ADWCleaner at all. I have tried running as Administrator. I have also tried using the local database with no luck. I've even tried creating a debug file but no file gets created. I have also tried running from multiple locations. Anyone got a...

Re: Impossible charger base de données

on AdwCleaner by ****

I'm running AdwCleaner from folder c:\Program Files(x86)\AdwCleaner