Re: adware removal problem with adware cleaner tool


Can you share the generated logfile ? Usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt.

Best regards,

adware removal problem with adware cleaner tool

hi there I am a new user here ~ !

first I had to tell you that your Adware cleaner tool is more greates adwares cleanning-up tool I’ve been seen !

and I have a problem with the new version 5.010 since your tool is detected some adware stuff on my system but it was unable to remove it !

I have to removed all found adwares but they still coming back ! any help with that /.?

Re: Please check my log

***** [ Registry ] *****

Key Found:  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\ Key Found:  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\


What are these entries? Is this malware dangerous? thanks

AyyLmao12, 2016-09-12 05:01:55 (UTC)

Thanks, I have deleted these entries. I've also read that wiki link you provided but it didn't reall...

Re: Supprimé MPC Cleaner


le souci c'est qu'il n'étais plus installé sur mon ordinateur mais il restait des fichiers résiduelle dans le dossier "Program files" mais grace à ton Anti-malware, le problème viens d'être résolu :), plus de fichier résiduelle, merci bien.

Juste une dernière petite question, est ce normal quand j'ai lanc l'analyse avec Malwarebytes, cela m'a changé mes paramètres internet, ce n'est ...

Please check my log

***** [ Registry ] *****

Key Found:  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\ Key Found:  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\


What are these entries? Is this malware dangerous? thanks

Re: Est-ce que je peux supprimer tout ce qu'a trouvé adwcleaner SVP?


Je voudrais savoir d'ou sort ce PARETOLOGIC. Il est apparu ce matin sans que je ne fasse rien. Il est dans l'analyse de ADWCleaner. Puis-je tout supprimer SVP? j'ai passé malwarebythe et il n'a rien trouvé. J'ai hâte de me débarrasser de ce viris si s'en est un. Merci de me répondre.



Great, thanks. For a final check/clean:

  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, choose to Quarantine everything. If it...



Great, thanks. For a final check/clean:

  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, choose to Quarantine everything. If it ...

Virus in registry or false alarm??

on AdwCleaner by ****

I used AdwCleaner v6.010 and it came up clean.  I used it ten days later and it came up with

*****  [ Registry ] *****

[ - ] Key deleted:  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\SAVI.SAVI

[ - ] Key deleted:  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\SAVI.SAVI.3

I checked in my control panel and I have had 4 programs installed on my computer during that time period:

NetBeans IDE 8.1

Java 8 Update 101 (64-bit)

Java SE Develop...

Strange behaviour


1.Ran avast! full scan-->no threats found.

2.Ran F-secure online scan-->1 threat removed

3.Ran eset online scan-->3 threats found, did not finish because the UI turned into black lines where the instructions were.

4.Ran MalwareBytesAntiMalware full scan (not the recommended one)-->no threats found.

5.Ran the latest AdwareCleaner-->15 threats found and cleaned, see the copy of log file....