Re: sqlite3.dll ne peut pas être chargée

Dernier rapport SEAF

1. ========================= SEAF - C_XX 2. 3. Commencé à: 22:11:50 le 05/04/2016 4. 5. Valeur(s) recherchée(s): 6. libeay32.dll 7. 8. Légende: TC => Date de création, TM => Date de modification, DA => Dernier accès 9. 10. 11. ====== Fichier(s) ====== 12. 13. 14. "C:\Documents and Settings\eric\Local Settings\Temp\libeay32.dll" [ NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED|ARCHIVE | 1182 ...

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

C:\WINDOWS\system32>reg copy /?

REG COPY KeyName1 KeyName2 [/s] [/f] [/reg:32 | /reg:64]

  KeyName    [\\Machine\]FullKey     Machine  Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine.              Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines.     FullKey  ROOTKEY\SubKey     ROOTKEY  [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ]     SubKey   The full name of a registry key under ...

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted


Did you uncheck "Reset Winsock Settings" before doing the "clean" mode ? If AdwCleaner had deleted Winsock entries, they should be listed on the logfile and this is not the case here.

I think it'll be helpful if you could do a snapshot of the registry before AdwCleaner's cleaning and after. You can use a software like RegShot ( ).

With the sna...

Re: Faux positifs avec la v5.108 ?


Correction réussie, mais d'autres clé apparaissent maintenant avec la version 5.109

***** [ Registre ] *****

Clé trouvée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\YMERemote.YMECompPlugin
Clé trouvée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\YMERemote.YMECompPlugin.1
Clé trouvée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{7D831388-D405-4272-9511-A07440AD2927}
Clé trouvée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{F51C15D4-3D0A-4DBA-A095-EBCC0...

Re: sqlite3.dll ne peut pas être chargée

Voici le rapport SEAF concernant libeay32.dll (vu sur discussion Impossible charger base de données par Bibuot)

1. ========================= SEAF - C_XX


3. Commencé à: 12:32:43 le 04/04/2016


5. Valeur(s) recherchée(s):

6. libeay32.dll


8. Légende: TC => Date de création, TM => Date de modification, DA => Dernier accès

9. 10.

11. ====== Fichier(s) ======

12. 13.

14. ...

False Positives UpdateStar

on AdwCleaner by ****

AdwCleaner falsely reports several items related to the tools UpdateStar and UpdateStar Drivers. Here is an excerpt from a log file:

# AdwCleaner v5.108 - Logfile created 04/04/2016 at 11:01:27
# Updated 30/03/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-04-03.2 [Server]

***** [ Folders ] *****

Folder Found : C:\Program Files (x86)\UpdateStar Drivers
Folder Found : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Star...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108


Do you have a security software running at the same time ?

Re: Possible false positive Opera Bookmarks import & Export

This is the only detection for this string

# Updated 30/03/2016 by Xplode # Database : 1984.9 [Server] # Operating system : Windows 8.1 Pro  (x64) # Username : <Removed> # Running from : C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner.exe # Option : Scan # Support :

***** [ Folders ] *****

Folder Found : C:\Users\<UserID>\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\omhcddilnfoi...

Re: AdwCleaner v5.108 - Logfile created 01/04/2016 at 07:55:31



We need to delete a las thing wit a ZHPFix script :

  • Please download ZHPFix - Go on the download page of ZhpFix, click on the blue button "Download Now".
  • Launch it with right click : "launch as administrator",
  • Follow the instructions during the installation.
  • Then click on the shortcut for ZhpFix on your desktop, and as usual, launch it as administrator.
  • Select "Import"
  • Copy & pa...

Renewal of remote files.

Did the program AdwCleaner delete the program GCC how to recover files?



# AdwCleaner v5.033 - Отчёт создан 16/02/2016 в 20:35:10
# Обновлено 07/02/2016 by Xplode
# База данных : 2016-02-15.1 [Сервер]
# Операционная система : Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (x86)
# Пользователь : sasha - WAREZ-5A905019C
# Запущено из : E:\ФИЛЬМЫ\кино\AdwCleaner 5.033 Portable.exe
# Настр...