Enter Netstat Stolen Internet Packages

I realized that I was being stolen and internet packages that playing league of legends was fatal ping me , so I decided to find out why. I use many established netstat and out , but it breaks my thinking and looking for every (1) , not if you have a program that just put the factory you need w7 and ready . It would be helpful thanks .

I try to reset all the TCP

Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein

There are two files. First the one of 8.52 AM

# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Logbestand aangemaakt 06/09/2016 op 08:52:48 # *Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Gebruik lokale database : 2016-08-24.2 [Lokaal] # Besturingssysteem : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Gebruikersnaam : Test - W10-HAH-TEST-PC # Gestart vanuit : C:\Users\Test\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe # *Mode: Scan # Ondersteuning : https://toolslib.ne...

Re: You homies be messing up, but it's all good haha

on AdwCleaner by ****

Yes, sure. It seems to me like it tries to rid of the items found, but they are untrusted and should be there. In addition, when I just let it do its automatic thing, upon reboot, in Firefox the No-Script was completely reset and I have to allow again for each new site I visit. Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/s/xy8rqxsqelrxb2z/AdwCleaner%5BS1%5D.txt?dl=0

You homies be messing up, but it's all good haha

on AdwCleaner by ****
prefs.js line scanning It has been resetting my No-Script, false positive. Want more info, no problem. \m/

Adw Cleaner löscht angeblich die Bedrohungen - aber in Wahrheit passiert nichts !


unten habe ich das aktuelle Protokoll beigefügt.

Zunächst wurden 4 `Bedrohungen` gefunden (s.u.). Nach Neustart des PC nach der Überprüfung durch den ADW CLEANER war aus dem Protokoll erkennbar, daß die 4 `Bedrohungen` gelöscht wurden (s.u.).

Ein erneuter Lauf des ADW CLEANER ergab jedoch, daß diese 4 `Bedrohungen` nach wie vor vorhanden sind - also nicht gelöscht wurden !!!

Auch me...

Re: Entry Point EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding not found

Ok, here is the report, only difference is that i censored my username and computer's name.

# DelFix v1.013 - Logfile created 24/08/2016 at 14:16:04
# Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode
# Username : ***********************
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (64 bits)

~ Activating UAC ... OK

~ Removing disinfection tools ...

Deleted : C:\AdwCleaner Deleted : C:\Users\ReLiving24\Downloads\adwcl...

How can i delete that (.txt)

on AdwCleaner by ****

I scan and i go to logfile then it has one ..(.txt) come up then after that i double click it like the hint below just said and a notepad appear. How can I delete that note pad and how can i find this like you have on ypur sample.screenshot that have reset and delete then next is quarantine.. thankyou :)

Re: unstopz.biz

Hello and sorry for being inactive, when it repaired my computer I forgot about this forum. So today I checked it and found out a 9 day old reply. Sorry for respondig late. Here is the link for Delfix log:


# DelFix v1.013 - Logfile created 14/08/2016 at 19:32:06 # Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode # Username : win7 - WIN7-PC # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (64 bits)

~ Act...

Re: BSOD avec version 6.000

Re ;-)

Quand j'écris  "au reboot, non nettoyée" celà signifie clé toujours présente

Ce qui m'a ennuyé le plus c'est le blue screen of death (hard-reset obligé)

Jamais arrivé avant avec Adwleaner... du coup je n'ai pas refait la manip et je suis directement passé par regedit

pour supprimer la dite clé

A voir si le problème se reproduira plus tard...


Re: I can no longer login on Windows 10 after running Adwcleaner

 it is not connected to the wifi anymore, and it cant detect any networks either.  I've also tried using a direct ethernet connection to no avail. 

bshelley234, 2016-07-26 21:51:16 (UTC)

That's likely the cause of the problem. In safe-mode with network connection, it doesn't detect the network too ?

Using the same method as you did to run sfc /scannow, can you run the following commands to...