Re: Problems

A closely related issue is the lack of distinguishing version numbers.  There seem to have been several betas, followed today by a non-beta  Could each file be named dfferently — it's confusing when you run, and a notice pops up telling you to update your file, and the file on the website is still called

Re: vers 7.0

just to let you know that yr latest 7.0.1 stable vers DID not fix theese issues at all..



and more over has another bug: it says that you are not using the latest vers..??..but when it ask you to dl the latest vers it dl the same 7.0.1..!!!.. strange..its the real first time it happens..

how infaust day the yr acquisition by malawarebyte...

big fish has eaten smaller one..


Re: My AdwCleaner has a problem

@ayeye, Can you activate the debug mode (go to Tools > Options > tick "debug"), do a scan and a clean to trigger the crash. Then, please share the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Please be patient and wait until tomorrow, as I already said :)

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Update.....I uninstalled the latest version of AdwCleaner that I was using (not the beta) and installed the previous older version and it worked fine.


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Or simply wait until tomorrow. Renewed version should be released. Try it.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Not sure, it seems like lately a lot of people are experiencing crashes on older systems. Windows 10 doesn't have issues as far as I am aware. But it's not about Win10. Could you try running a beta version and see if that helps? Just click on the beta, choose the latest version, download and run. Keep us updated.

Re: My AdwCleaner has a problem

Have you had any other success determining the issue? Have you tried first scanning with Malwarebytes and then AdwCleaner afterward? What OS are you running and which version? Because that might cause an issue with compatibility (Very rare case). Try launching the application in the admin mode? This guide also has more info about compatibility, IF it is the issue. Speculating at this point. Let...

Faux positifs ?

Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé dans la rubrique "Firefox" :


--> Ligne 49 : user_pref("","this is my first firefox searchEngine");

--> Ligne 50 : user_pref("","smt");

--> Ligne 51 : user_pref("","WDCXWD10EADS-22M2B0-WD-WCAV5753890038900")...

AdwCleaner stops working!

I tried running ADW Cleaner but it stops / freezes and I have to use the task manager to close it down.

Want to attach image of pop up window but do not know how to attach to this post.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what the reason could be?

I am running Windows 7 Pro. 64bit