Re: Adwcleaner on Windows 10 on Dell cause crash



Please activate Debug Mode as follows so we can see a report which may be helpful with identifying the problem.

  • Double-click on AdwCleaner.exe to open the tool.
  • Click on Options in the top menu.
  • Put a check mark next to Activate debug mode
  • Click on the Scan button
  • A logfile report called AdwCleaner_dbg_XXXX.log (where XXXX represents the time run) will be created and saved to %sys...

Re: your latest versions..


I agree with Destrio5 message. You should relaunch AdwCleaner and click on [Clean] to remove Easeware.DriverEasy.


Re: Suggestion: Add an "ignore AOL" option

Sorry for the long delay. Had to wait for another customer who uses AOL. Here's a link to the log file.

Re: your latest versions..


Even editor and clone :

"PUA.DriverNavigator is a misleading application that gives exaggerated information about issues on the computer."

Re: your latest versions..


first thxs so much indeed for yr reply!

here is the report you ask:

# AdwCleaner v5.025 - Creato file registro eventi 15/12/2015 in 07:42:02
# Aggiornato 13/12/2015 da Xplode
# Database : 2015-12-13.2 [Server]
# Sistema operativo : Windows 10 Home  (x64)
# Nome utente : Luca - PC
# In esecuzione da : D:\DESKTOP\ANTIVIRUS\ADWCLEANER\adwcleaner5.025.exe
# Opzione : Analisi
# Supporto : ht...

Re: your latest versions..



first lots of thxs and compliments for yr work and yr precious time you gift to us!

Thanks :)

1) since vers 5.0 there is no mnore the -ie tab-..but only the firefox and chrome tab..why..?


IE configuration is almost fully stored in the windows registry, that's why the detections are now listed in this ...

your latest versions..


first lots of thxs and compliments for yr work and yr precious time you gift to us!


1) since vers 5.0 there is no mnore the -ie tab-..but only the firefox and chrome tab..why..?

2)since the latest 5.0.23 up to last 5.0.25 the prog finds me a tool:driver easy that i found installed on my pc..

   maybe is a false positive..??


thxs so much again!!


Re: AdwCleaner Report


Perfect !

So, to conclude, if the computer seems stable, please proceed below. Otherwise, don't do the following instructions but telle me what's wrong.

We'll remove all the used tools :

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop.
  • Launch it with administrator rights.
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry.
  • Then click on the "Execute" button.
  • When eve...

Re: Défaut sur Google


La commande ping est un succès, tu as donc bien internet, le problème vient d'ailleurs, et il parait probable que les DNS sont en cause.

On va donc gérer ça :

On va utiliser ZHPFix, un logiciel de Nicolas Coolman, afin de supprimer quelques éléments :

Re: Défaut sur Google


Je fait un scan avent le beug

et celuiçi pendant le beug

je fait le ping au prochain plantage

Et voiçi le ping

Microsoft Windows [version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

C:\Users\User>ping8.8.8.8 'ping8.8.8.8' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne ou exter...

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