Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas

dans AdwCleaner par alfred31

J'ai reinstallé MBAM

malgré qu"il a detecté 3malwares mais il stope carrement la connexion internet

je crois que je vais le supprimer

Merci ,

Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas


AdwCleaner v7 n'est plus compatible avec Windows XP. Vous pouvez toujours utiliser la dernière version de la 6ème branch, en suivant ce lien :

Notez que cette version n'est pas maintenu à jour et ne dispose donc pas des dernières définitions en date.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser Malwarebytes 3, qui lui est compatible ...

AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC

dans AdwCleaner par klimi


It looks like AdwCleaner (any version above will not install on my Win 10 64bit PC after it was updated with MS's Fall Creator's Update. When trying to install versions 7.0.70 and the current I get an error stating,       "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher" This happens if I try to install as administrator, u...

Re: Adwcleaner Command Line interface -version CLI


Bravo encore pour tout le travail accompli.

et le rapprochament avec Malwaresbytes.

Je reviens au sujet de la CLI pour adwcleaner.

Y a t il du nouveau?

je suis desole, mais j'ai un peu "de la suite dans les idees" un an après.

J'aime beaucoup Adwcleaner, et j'aimerais pourvoir l'utilser avec des batchs.

M E R C I :-)


Re: AdwCleaner update ( not retained.

dans AdwCleaner par REXXX59

So nobody can tell me why the newly released update to will not download to my PC.  Is this update even real?  Malwarebytes release history does not mention anything other than ANYBODY?????

AdwCleaner update ( not retained.

dans AdwCleaner par REXXX59

Been trying to update to for about an hour.  Follow instructions.  Have to use "if download doesn't start...." function.  Download continues, then main menu box appears.  So I run the scan.  FROM REPORT: # AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Fri Feb 09 17:13:30 2018 # Updated on 2018/08/02 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 02-08-2018.1 # Running on Windows 10 Home (X64) # Mode: scan # Su...

Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

dans AdwCleaner par Honest1

The decison in Version 3, Malwarebytes became to bloaty & buggy. I see people running Version 2 on Windows 7.

Now the decsion to end JRT with no more updates. Running JRT 8.14, everytime it manually creates a restore point for you. I have a HD/SSD, works fine for Restore Point. Create a restore point right now, is for right now.

Reset This PC with Keep My Files, Applications needing reinstall...

Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys


I don't use Malwarebytes after the huge changes. Count on Adw, JRT,  & MBAE. I hope you live long, so Corporate won't take control.

Honest1, 2018-01-28 21:29:17 (UTC)

What "huge changes" are you referring to?

System Restore Point. Was taking up to much space for Microsoft, so they cut its abilities. Appears you have to use 3rd Party, Restore Point Creator. You must make it ahead o...

Re: adwcleaner


AdwCleaner 7.x no longer works on Windows XP machines. If that's what you were asking?

Please try the 6th branch (no longer updated):

Also, you could give a try to Malwarebytes (which is still compatible with Windows XP):


Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

dans AdwCleaner par Honest1

Just did another search, the last trace of it is no longer found. All gone. Did completly nothing, the last one went away on its own. 

I don't use Malwarebytes after the huge changes. Count on Adw, JRT,  & MBAE. I hope you live long, so Corporate won't take control.


My other questions, which can help other Users:

System Restore Point. Was taking up to much space for Microsoft, so they cut...