Best Cybersecurity PC Measures for Students and How to Implement Them

Life as a student is already busy enough with lectures, assignments, and deadlines. But while you’re juggling your coursework, there’s something else that needs your attention—your cybersecurity. Whether working on a research project, attending online classes, or managing important personal files, your computer holds sensitive information. If it’s not properly protected, you could be an easy target for hackers, malware, or even identity theft.

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Protecting Against Malware: A Toolkit for Secure Internet Use

Malware threats are more prevalent than ever, putting personal data and devices at risk. This guide covers the different types of malware, how they infiltrate systems, and the most effective methods to protect yourself. From using reliable antivirus software to enabling multi-factor authentication, learn how to safeguard your sensitive information and keep malicious actors at bay.

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An Instant Guide to Installing an SSL Certificate on AWS

Discover the quick and easy steps to install an SSL certificate on AWS for enhanced website security and user trust. Boost your site's SEO and protect sensitive data with our comprehensive guide.

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Latest improvements from the sysadmin team

by fr33tux
There has been major improvements made by the sysadmin team these last weeks. Even if it's not visible, we want to explain what has been made and what benefit will bring to you.

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AdwCleaner : Patch du fichier dnsapi.dll

by fr33tux
Depuis quelques semaines, une nouvelle vague d'infection apparaît. Elle cause les troubles habituels pour un adware : la navigation web est polluée de redirections et de publicités intrusives.
Elle se distingue néanmoins par son mode d'action qui la rend délicate à supprimer : elle modifie un fichier système (utilisé par Microsoft Windows pour la résolution de noms de domaines) afin d'en perturber son fonctionnement et dans le cas présent, de mentir sur les résolutions DNS.
AdwCleaner prend en charge ce type d'infection depuis la version 5.010 publiée le 4 Octobre 2015.

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