Reduce Compliance Costs with Intelligent Automation: A Practical Guide

Compliance is a critical yet costly aspect of business operations. Discover how intelligent automation can streamline compliance processes, reduce expenses, and enhance efficiency. This practical guide provides actionable steps to leverage automation for compliance optimization.

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Protecting Against Malware: A Toolkit for Secure Internet Use

Malware threats are more prevalent than ever, putting personal data and devices at risk. This guide covers the different types of malware, how they infiltrate systems, and the most effective methods to protect yourself. From using reliable antivirus software to enabling multi-factor authentication, learn how to safeguard your sensitive information and keep malicious actors at bay.

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KeePassXC for Windows: A Complete Password Management Guide

In today's digital age, the number of online accounts and passwords we need to remember has increased significantly. Keeping track of numerous login credentials can be overwhelming and risky, as weak or reused passwords make us vulnerable to cyber threats. Thankfully, there's a solution: KeePassXC, a robust and secure password manager. In this blog post, we'll explore KeePassXC and provide a step-by-step guide to help you get started with this powerful tool on your Windows system.

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How to use AdwCleaner to remove Adware and PUPs?

In today's digital landscape, protecting your computer from various threats is of utmost importance. Adware, browser hijackers, and other potentially unwanted programs can infiltrate your system, compromise your privacy, and hinder your online experience. Thankfully, there are powerful tools like AdwCleaner that can help you combat these intrusions effectively.

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AdwCleaner joins Malwarebytes

by fr33tux
As some of you may have seen during the last hours, we're proud to announce that AdwCleaner is now part of the Malwarebytes family.
Following Malwarebytes initative to be more agressive on PUP (potentially unwanted programs) , it feels natural for AdwCleaner to associates with Malwarebytes in order to reach this goal and actively fight these unwanted software.

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AdwCleaner rejoint Malwarebytes

Comme certain d'entre vous l'auront peut-être déjà remarqué depuis quelques heures, nous sommes fiers d'annoncer qu'AdwCleaner fait désormais partie de la famille Malwarebytes.

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AdwCleaner v6.021

by fr33tux
AdwCleaner v6.021 has been published a few minutes ago. With the development of the CLI release in parallel, this release is considered as a maintenance release, with mostly bugfixes, small detections improvements and new translations. Also, we are making good progresses on the CLI release, if you're interested see more at the bottom of this article !

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AdwCleaner CLI - Development update

by fr33tux
We are making good progresses on the command-line release for AdwCleaner, and we think they are interesting enough to share them.

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AdwCleaner v6.010

by fr33tux
AdwCleaner v6.010 has been published a few minutes ago. It's mostly a maintenance release, with a lot of improvements in stability and translations since the v6.000.

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AdwCleaner 6.000

by fr33tux
Hello there, its been a while since our last blog post about AdwCleaner. The reason is simple: the new release of AdwCleaner, v6.000, is now available for everyone on the official download page!
Thanks to the new code base, it’s considered as a major release which brings countless improvements, bug fixes, and new features. Here are a few important ones:

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