Fortifying Your Digital Castle: The Importance of Firewall Security

In an era where our lives are intricately woven into the digital fabric, the importance of safeguarding our virtual domains has never been more critical. Just as medieval castles were fortified to fend off adversaries, our modern-day digital landscapes require protection against a different kind of threat – cyberattacks. At the forefront of this defense stands the firewall, a digital guardian that shields our data from malicious intruders. Join us as we unravel the intricate layers of firewall security, delve into its significance, explore various types, and uncover the best practices to secure your digital fortress.

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10 reasons why Two Factor Authentication is so important nowadays

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a crucial security measure that adds an extra layer of protection to your online accounts. Here are ten reasons why two-factor authentication is important.

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ToolsLib switches to Minio for scale and performance

ToolsLib recently switched to a brand new dashboard. However, behind the scenes, there was another switch happening. We used block based filesystem for underlying storage. However, as we grew, the filesystem was proving difficult to scale.
So, we were looking to move from block based storage to an object store system, when we found Minio. After initial analysis, Minio looked perfect for our requirements and we switched to Minio.

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