Version Size Added on Downloads
Alpha usbfileresc 101.5 KB 3,977
  • MD5 · ad157cf0ec3de84f0a1fb8e77da7d7f7
  • SHA1 · 8715e934a25dc7492c9a4854a50b7f421b0bab18
  • SHA256 · e43d3cd634010ea6778b23b13fb4ca60fb2e7450a69d188429c070118dbcab56
**USB File Resc** *v9.0.1.2* Fecha: **15 de Agosto del 2015** 1.- Ahora USB File Resc es capáz de reconocer errores en su funcionamiento y mostrarte códigos para saber el error. Gracias a estos avisos, pudimos detectar nuestras fallas y asi corregirlas en las versiones futuras. 1.- Now USB File Resc is able to recognize errors in its operation and show you codes to know the error. Thanks to these warnings, we were able to detect our faults and correct them in future versions.

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