App Error: Instruction in "0x0041eeaa" reference to mem in "0x02031000", can't "read". OK to end program.

Version 5.016 works ok. By the way, when one accepts to DL new version the old one gets deleted, thats annoying, (because if by any reason DL is not succesful or as in this case, new program doesn't work, it's imposible to return to older version). Old version should be renamed to adwcleaner_old.exe (overwritting any older backup).

Re: New AdwCleaner v5.019 crashes in winXP


This bug will be fixed in v5.020. It can also occurs on Windows Vista under certains circonstances.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Re: New AdwCleaner v5.019 crashes in winXP

I'm running XP SP3 and the last version that worked for me is 5.018. 

Version 5.019, 5.020 and 5.021 will not run at all. The HDD activity light come on and then it hangs.

Re: New AdwCleaner v5.019 crashes in winXP

I'm running XP SP3 and the last version that worked for me is 5.018. 

Version 5.019, 5.020 and 5.021 will not run at all. The HDD activity light come on and then it hangs.

Re: New AdwCleaner v5.019 crashes in winXP

This worked for me. from Adwcleaner download page:

  • bamacola said about 5 hours ago:

    Possible solution on win xp sp3. Rename Adwcleaner_5.021.exe to Adwcleaner.exe. This may also work on versions 18 and up. It may have to do with Avira safe search interfering with it. Once I removed Avira safe search from registry (IE browser entries) using adwcleaner.exe it would then run adwcleaner_5.021.exe. Hope this works for you. May be worth trying on other OS versions.

  • I'm running FF 43,0b3 and AVG 2016.0.7227 with latest definition update. AVG did not send a report at all with either name.

Re: v 5.022 works in XP SP3

All is good now after the trouble with .019, .020, and .021 Thanks for the fix!

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