I downloaded and installed AdwCleaner but when I exit the program there is nothing left.  I have no icons to re-open and it does not appear in my Un-install list.

Re: does not stay on computer


What do you mean by "exit the program" ? Do you click on "Uninstall" or just exit the program with the red cross? If you use "Uninstall", AdwCleaner will delete itself so it's normal if there are no trace of it.


Re: does not stay on computer

Where did you download AdwCleaner? And where do you store it? ( desktop, downloads, program files? )

Re: does not stay on computer

cant remember where I downloaded from but it just installed itself so would be default folders

Re: does not stay on computer

Think I downloaded it from here...toolslib

Re: does not stay on computer

I downloaded and installed AdwCleaner but when I exit the program there is nothing left.  I have no icons to re-open and it does not appear in my Un-install list.

skylane42, 2016-03-16 15:19:29 (UTC)

This is because of this program is considered as portable one and it make no records in the registry. It also creates no any links and runs from its executable file (from which it's installs). But started from version 5.100 - 06/03/16 authors do a silly thing and move working folder include quarantine with viruses into Program Files. And now user have to go in Program Files to see logs. Also, we have to change guides where to find logs through this. I believe that in nearest versions working folder will be returned to root of system disk.

Re: does not stay on computer

I downloaded and installed AdwCleaner but when I exit the program there is nothing left.  I have no icons to re-open and it does not appear in my Un-install list.

skylane42, 2016-03-16 15:19:29 (UTC)

This is because of this program is considered as portable one and it make no records in the registry. It also creates no any links and runs from its executable file (from which it's installs). But started from version 5.100 - 06/03/16 authors do a silly thing and move working folder include quarantine with viruses into Program Files. And now user have to go in Program Files to see logs. Also, we have to change guides where to find logs through this.

I believe that in nearest versions working folder will be returned to root of system disk.

Re: does not stay on computer

Let me add an observation. Today user at forum abused that he couldn't attach log to his message, even couldn't zip log because of reduced rights. I think that reason of this is also because folder now in Program Files.

Re: does not stay on computer


For v5.103, AdwCleaner's folder will be moved back to C:\.


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