
Hi everybody,

can someone please help me to create a script in a fast way?

I explain myself: i accidentally quarantened an entire folder very important and with a lot of files in it, i started to restore them but is too slow, so i opened the quarantine file to get the lines for the script but is a slow method too because first i need to clean the lines.

Can you show me if there is some fast way to clean the line of the quarantine file?


Re: help with a script

Here is a piece of quarantine file that i need to edit:

C:\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NRW.BDA->C:\AdwCleaner\FileQuarantine\C\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NRW.BDA.vir C:\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSN.BDA->C:\AdwCleaner\FileQuarantine\C\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSN.BDA.vir C:\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSO.BDA->C:\AdwCleaner\FileQuarantine\C\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSO.BDA.vir C:\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSP.BDA->C:\AdwCleaner\FileQuarantine\C\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSP.BDA.vir C:\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSQ.BDA->C:\AdwCleaner\FileQuarantine\C\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSQ.BDA.vir C:\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSR.BDA->C:\AdwCleaner\FileQuarantine\C\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSR.BDA.vir C:\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSS.BDA->C:\AdwCleaner\FileQuarantine\C\Genius\Ricambi\BDA\NRS\NSS.BDA.vir

I understood that the script have to contain only the original path of the files, so i have to delete the part after the (->)

But i said before that there are hundreds and hundred of line to clean...


Re: help with a script


Can you send me the whole quarantine logfile? Please upload it on and give me the link. Then I'll write a script to restore your files.


Re: help with a script

Hi Xplode,

This is it:

thanks in advance m8


Re: help with a script

ps: after i ll ask you how u manage to do this...;)


Re: help with a script

Hi andreaf.

Which files (folders) do you want to restore?


Re: help with a script

Hi regist,

First of all thank you for the interest, I need to restore everything in Genius folder, 

I'm still waiting Xplode for the script...maybe he's busy


Re: help with a script

Did I understand correctly, do you need to restore all files from quarantine?

In this case, click the "Load script file", choose Quarantine.log which you have attached and click the "Restore".    

Re: help with a script


If you need to restore everything, just open the Quarantine manager, click on "All" in the selection box, and then "Restore".

Best regards,

Re: help with a script


You should be able to restore all files directly from quarantine manager by clicking on "All" then "Restore", but if it fails, you can download this file :

Then open AdwCleaner's quarantine manager, click on "Load script", select the downloaded file then "Open".

Wait a little bit, then a report should open. Please upload it on Toolslib and post the link. Your files should be restored after this process.


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