Re: ordi troyenné comment éjecter l'intrus?


Non je ne desire pas installer windows10  sur ceux en w8 pour le moment, deja ecoeurée de la maiminse des systemes proprietaires sur le w8. Bien qu'effectivement je n'avais pas pensé a la durée de maintenance de l'OS. A reflechir . Je verrai si la mise a jour est proposée aussi sur ma vieille tour en Windows XP qui n'est plus suivi. juste pour tester. Et des que je peux sur les ordis n...

Re: ADWcleaner et XP pro 32 bits plus compatible?


De toutes façons , il me faudra tout changer , ça me fera l'occasion de tester une base linux.

bodisson, 2015-11-13 19:01:19 (UTC)

Nous serons ravis de vous accompagner en cas de besoin !


Ah je l'attendais celle-là, si tout le monde s'y met pour éditer des logiciels incompatibles pour XP, c'est sûr qu'on va être largués.

L'arrêt du support de Windows XP n'est pas fait par s...

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops


Can you run it in DEBUG mode ( click "Options" -> "Activate debug mode" ) then post the content of the file called AdwCleaner_dbg_xxx.log located at C:\AdwCleaner



Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

Can you retry with this version :

Now, a pop-up should appear. Please make a screenshot of it and post it in your next reply.

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops


I can't run the latest debug.exe so I am adding the latest log that it created. My Avast blocks this and I can't find it in its virus chest to make an exception.

The error message it gives is as simple as the others I earlier uploaded exept that the line number is different.

JSMN initialized
Struct created
Struct initialized
[Error] Object not created (-2147221164)
[Error] Object not cr...

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

Ok, can you download again this file and run it :

Please post the content of C:\Debug.txt which will be created after you run the above file

If you have another message that appears when you run it, please post a screenshot

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

I don't really know what could cause this kind of bug. It's probably due to the configuration of your computer. But we can try debugging it if you have the time.

First of all, can you download this file and run it :

It's just to make sure that the error comes from the external library ( the above file is not AdwCleaner, it's ...

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

Hi again,

Ok, it appears that your error comes from an external library that AdwCleaner uses to parse Chrome preferences file. It's weird because this error appears only on a few computers...

Can you retry with this version ( just run it and tell me if you still have the error, do not post debug logfile ) :


Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops


Can you retry this version : in DEBUG mode and post the content of the debug logfile?

