Re: Download fails repeatedly


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm looking into it and will get back to you as soon as possible. We'll fix the issue. :)


Download fails repeatedly

I've been trying to download Win14393PESE-X86 iso, windows recovery toolkit but it fails on multiple browsers. Less than 10% is downloaded on the laptop and no more than 50% through the phone.

How can I get a copy of the toolkit, is there another source?


Re: lnk


We'll need more details if you want us to help you.



ClearLNK by Alex Dragokas                                 ver.

OS:       x64 Windows 7 Ultimate, 6.1.7601.0, Service Pack: 1 Time:     03.03.2019 - 15:39 Language: OS: RU (0x419). Display: RU (0x419). Non-Unicode: RU (0x419) Elevated: Yes User:     Home    (group: Administrator)

_____________________________ Начало отчёта ____________________________ . [WARN] 1  "C:\Users\Home\AppDat...

Re: English translation

Well if he's ever interested, I'm sure there are people including me that could takeover development of these projects and update/translate them.  Sad to see these popular apps not being developed anymore :(

If he or whoever is in charge of these applications is interested, I could work on them.  It's not like we even need the source code, it's all in the .exe.

Will he be mad if I release an ...

Re: Remove botton

Sorry for my late reply.

Are you running AdwCleaner on Windows Vista?

Re: winupdatefix

test :) ( I keep getting 500 errors everytime I post)

Rake, 2019-02-24 21:47:20 (UTC)

I'll take a look at it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: English translation


Sadly, WinUpdateFix is no longer being maintained by its author. :(

English translation

Would Xplode be interested in english translation of his applications?  I use this one alot at my job and I recommended this to a co-worker and he didn't want to use it because it was in french.

Took me a while to translate it / recompile it but I'm 90% done fixing it up in English.

Is this something you'd be interested in?  Here's a screenshot

Re: winupdatefix

test :) ( I keep getting 500 errors everytime I post)