Re: Did AdwCleaner Remove Required Registry Files?

Josh ;) Considering my uninstall folder is empty and none of the mentioned file registries are crucial, I don't see any problems that might come from removing those. It could be a malicious registry added to alter your search or download malware, but other than that, you should be good to go. (I am not an expert at registries, just slightly knowledgeable)

Quarantaine adwcleaner vide


adwceaner a bien nettoyé mon ordi de l'horrible cacaoweb, mais au passage il m'a enlevé du bureau un dossier contenant tous mes raccourcis vers mes programmes préférés.

Et le quarantine manager est vide! comment restaurer ? Il y a bien un dossier "quarantine" qui contient tous les fichiers, mais comment restaurer tout ça??



Is this a false positive?

on AdwCleaner by Nec

Hello, today after updating adwcleaner to the new version, has detected some PUPs (I leave you the registry of the scan and the cleaning). After reboot, I ran adwcleaner again and the PUPs are still there.

I have researched a bit about these addresses, and it seems that they are the default addresses that the router from my internet company provides. Each time I clean them, when I reconnect to...

redémarrage impossible après passage de tweaning

Bonjour à tous,

Ayant un problème logiciel sur mon clavier, j'ai lancé windows repair de Au redémarrage le lancement échoue et toutes les options proposées aussi. Et je ne peux plus accéder à la commande "entrée". Je n'ai pas de disque de windows 10 et, de toute façon, je ne peux pas modifier l'ordre de démarrage n'ayant pas accès à "entrée".

Merci si vous avez une idée pour un ...

Re: Win XP support


Let me disagree with you :)

Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 in 32 & 64 bits.

This is written at download page. So XP is not supported. And please look at this link - So you can see that in spite of Russian language - site I gave in previous message is quite legitimate and it in accordance with fr33tux at ...

Re: False Positive v7?


We'll provide you with an answer asap but it's a tricky detection.


Re: False Positives V7


Is anyone from the AdwCleaner team able to comment about this yet?


Please consider using the -


fr33tux, 2017-08-31 01:34:45 (UTC)

Happy to tell you that I downloaded and ran version  and it worked perfectly!

Re: False Positives V7


Is anyone from the AdwCleaner team able to comment about this yet?


Please consider using the -


Re: Ransomware .shit?

Browsing old threads and safe to say, that Locky won't be decryptable for quite some time. Considering that new versions of it are coming out, making it even more complicated to do anything. You can read more on Malwarebytes and The Hacker News. Even Kaspersky's attempts at that have failed. Hopefully, we can have the master key somehow, or a lucky break in decryption. Other than that, you can ...

Re: False Positives V7

Is anyone from the AdwCleaner team able to comment about this yet?

SWBUser, 2017-08-29 20:09:30 (UTC)

It would be nice wouldn't it? I am solving this myself, by uninstalling AdwCleaner and not recommending it to those requesting help on a forum where I am a mod. Too bad, very good tool, one of the best for removing PUP's but not going to sacrifice SpywareBlaster's ability to block them so ...