Re: Folder deleted by mistake


I'll be in my customers office tomorrow morning and run AdwCleaner to give you feedback.

The application in the Orlando-folder is accessible now and starts but I have to wait for the operator to check it in deep,

I hope it is a sunny sunday even in your place! regards

Re: Adwcleaner


Avez-vous bien utilisé cette page pour télécharger AdwCleaner: ?

Si oui, pouvez-vous me fournir le nom et la version de votre navigateur internet ?


Re: Folder deleted by mistake


Is it working again now?

I've removed the detection. Can you confirm that AdwCleaner is no longer trying to remove these folders? (Just share me the scan logfile, it should be enough)




Depuis hier j'essaie de télécharger ce logiciel et le téléchargement est en échec. Pouvez-vous me dire comment faire ?




Re: Folder deleted by mistake

hello cocochepeau, 

thank you for helping! It took me quite a while to restore all the 7000+ files and folders with ownership and next step applying users/rights to all these objects. wrote some scripts what helped.

What i'm still curious about is: what happened - the task went thru the whole procedure correctly an after restarting the logfile appeared as usual. However - it went nuts.

I eve...

Re: Adwcleaner bloqué a "analyse des navigateurs"

pour vous aider voici ce qu'a trouver adw apres des heures de scan buguer : 


Chromium préf trouvée:  [C:\Users\loïc\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Secure Preferences] - hxxp:// Chromium préf trouvée:  [C:\Users\loïc\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Secure Preferences ] - bopakagnckmlgajfcc...

Re: Adwcleaner bloqué a "analyse des navigateurs"

Vous pouvez faire une archive .zip et l'héberger sur - puis copier le lien ici.

Re: Adwcleaner freezes while cleaning.

HI..the same problem occured with me

this is my debug log file

please fix this issue..thank you