Re: A nettoyer ou pas?

Bjr ^^

Ci-joint le debug log fait avec la version béta téléchargé:(plus de fichier suspect ^^ )

Vu que je ne sais pas si c'était avec cette version qu'il fallait le faire ci dessous le debug log avec la version qui me voyait le fichier d'acronis comme suspect:

Bonne journée


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Can you try with this one: ?

fr33tux, 2017-08-04 02:06:58 (UTC)

I did, but it failed also. I had to use the task manager to get it to stop "running" even after it "froze". I caqn't afford to have my computer break I do not want to try it again. All I have that's worthwhile in this life is my computer and my dog!...

Re: vers 7.0


@Bernard82: It's only a display bug in some cases, files are actually quarantined. I know it's annoying and we're working to resolve it asap.

Re: vers 7.0

I've discovered same "Quarantine bug" when I want to recover few files deleted and placed in quarantine. Deleted files are in C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine subfolders but aren't shown in Quarantine dialogbox tab in AdwCleaner

I moved manually to their original place the files I want to recover, but it's more easy when Quarantine restoring works in AdwCleaner just with few mouse clicks.


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Does not work!  It stops / freezes with the same pop up window saying "caught". I tried the older version immediately after and it worked fine. Then went back and tried the newest version again....but it failed agan.

OB1947D, 2017-08-01 13:34:02 (UTC)


Can you share the debug logfile? (click on Tools > Options > tick Debug and do a scan/clean to trigger the bug. Then, share the file...