
on USB File Resc's page

from ArielCeleste1, (21 march 2017)

100% working, and resrue my important files. thank you USB File Resc. Specially ToolsliB


on ClearLNK's page

from Dragokas, (02 february 2017)

Discussion thread can be found here:


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from Matarese, (08 january 2017)

Now..again,to many similar programs=slows your PC,windows log in,but especially your default Browser because of too much extensions&apps.My Chrome has already the 3 "must have" extensions&apps,and no more...Basta.:)


on LoadTool's page

from zarathustra, (08 january 2017)

Wordpress URL is no longer active:

Site officiel:
" is no longer available."


on AdwCleaner's page

from war against viruses, (08 october 2016)

Hello there,
While being in a rush, i was installing an app for powerpoint and i did not check for programs/pups comming with the installer. Indeed my laptop got infected 15 mins before a meeting(my first one outside england), i almost lost my promotion because of these malwares. But hopefully someone told me about adwcleaner, which is a great tool+ it's completly free. Really guys thank you so much :D.


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (05 october 2016)

@czvnwd I invite you to use our forum. :)


on AdwCleaner's page

from Komeni, (30 september 2016)

I am so mad right now. I was working on a couple of documents while running adwcleaner scan. Toolslib developers, is it so hard to ask the user what is about to happen and await confirmation before closing all apps WITHOUT giving a chance for the user to save?! Not to mention the automatic reboot! Can't beleive this


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (23 september 2016)

@Prithelp please open up a new thread on our forum It will be more easier for us to fix your problem this way. Thanks!


on AdwCleaner's page

from RREHH, (17 september 2016)

Apologies a reboot which took a lot longer than usual appears to have unblocked adwcleaner. Perhaps Windows 10 had not fully cleared its update process previously. Adwcleaner is now working as it should.


on AdwCleaner's page

from 3ogdy, (17 august 2016)

I really appreciate what you do with this program. It's one hell of a program. I do have a suggestion, though:
I've noticed that, the more up-to-date it is, the slower it takes quite some time for it to scan a system, despite using SSDs.
Could you split the scanning process among 4+ cores of the CPU so that the scanning speed is improved? Could you give the software 4 instances with Affinity specifically set to a CPU core? I believe doing that may improve its scanning time, especially on SSDs (which are usually the ones holding the entire Windows installation -> and this last one is what most infection target (Users folder, Windows, Program Data...)

Thank you again for your work on this great tool! No wonder it has so many millions of downloads