
on AdwCleaner's page

from Me1, (01 december 2014)

For those complaining about XP compatibility, I'm a XP Pro user and I can confirm AdwCleaner is fully compatible with XP. Like everybody though, I have had trouble with version 4, but it has been fixed. The latest 4.103, however, shows a little progress bar for loading the database right before opening the program. It also takes a little too long for the scan to run. Other than that, it works.

By the way, why aren't we getting prompted to install the latest version anymore?

And, I really miss when the program would update without having to download a new .exe file.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (27 november 2014)

@Eisenheim aka IRON67
Lesen bildet.


on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (25 november 2014)

finally dr MrXplode you have admitted the now yr tool is really NOT COMPATIBLE with win xp
BUT..for millions of people still using that s.o. what you are going to do..??..:

Bob2014 said a day ago:

If the Win XP is no more compatibile with the Adwcleaner 4, millions of people will stay sad. Bad, Bad, news Mr.Xplode...

Roberto - Brasil


on AdwCleaner's page

from dmapdm, (24 november 2014)

wooooo :)
le Changelog de la 4.102 n'est pas à jour bouahhhh ben alors :) c'est peut-être une journée avec usage de deux mains gauche hahahahah. @+


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (13 november 2014)

This tool helped me get rid of the "Ads by Speed Dial" in Chrome. I was becoming desperate because no tool could get rid of it, Malwarebytes, Spybot, none. manual removal process described on various websites could not be replicated. I was really becoming desperate, I uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome, to no avail. I came across one article on a German website, and a poster recommended this tool. I gave it a try and it really worked!!! I am now free of "Ads by Speed Dial". THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFUL TOOL!!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from Xplode, (09 november 2014)

La version 4.101 est en ligne. Si vous rencontrez encore des bugs n'hésitez pas à me le signaler à l'adresse suivante : xplode[at]


on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (09 november 2014)

dear Mr Xplode..NEW Version..4.1, is STILL NOT compatible with win XP
now the error line is in 2057, before was in 1971..,but yr tool is STILL NOT working
with lots of s.o.
so pls would you be so very kind in testing BEFORE it or alternately
pls CANCELL the phrase you state:
"It's compatible with Windows XP"
because is a LIE
we really hope to finaly see yr tool workin in the NEAR future
for yr knowledge the old vers 3.3 WORKS very well with XP
so it should be a good base for yr improving, shouldn't it..??


on AdwCleaner's page

from snixdad, (03 november 2014)

How can this version be only 3.311 when your changelog references version 4.002? From where do I download, 4.002?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (24 october 2014)

Since adwcleaner has been updated to 4.0+, I've been having trouble with getting disconnect via Log Me in Rescue in SMWN.

It scans and completes ok, but disconnects when the dialog box regarding "If you have been brought to use adwcleaner.....".

It doesn't happen on every PC, but more of them then not (75%) and it's really causing hiccups in my support. Can this be looked into.

Furthermore, are there any command line switches available for adwcleaner. I'd like to be able to launch it, have it scan, and reboot with no user interaction whatsover.

Let me know on either issue. Thanks!

No One


on WinUpdateFix's page

from va7srt, (21 october 2014)

I, too, could really use an English version of this. I'm currently trying to solve a WU problem & this actually seems more reasonable the the Windows Club one-button fixer.