
on Malwarebytes's page

from Clay Cooper, (28 january 2017)

every time I update I bet a error code 5 windows\system32\drivers\mbae64.sys


on AdwCleaner's page

from Monstrinfo, (28 january 2017)

Bonsoir. je vois la version 6, mais je ne vois pas comment l'utilser en CLI. merci pour vos eclaircissements :-)


on AdwCleaner's page

from Gildevan Pereira, (17 january 2017)

Pelo amor de Deus, eu não sei pra quê tanta atualização, parece que toda semana tem atualização nova, assim vocês quebram as pernas dos usuários, porque se ao menos o programa funcionasse sem ser necessário baixar e instalar novamente, isso é um saco, nem sempre eu posso ta baixando de novo, por favor mudei isso, deixe pra o usuário atualizar novamente quando quiser. Isso é abuso, não precisa obrigar ninguém a baixar toda semana o "mesmo programa". Isso é muito chato.


on ComboFix's page

from TazzyOpz, (16 january 2017)

I hope this clears up some confusion... Please note that as of the time of writing this message (January - 16th - 2017) Combofix does not currently support windows 10. And hasn't since the release of windows 10. It's unknown if Combofix will ever support windows 10 or not. The supported operating systems are: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Edman, (12 january 2017)

sqlite3 error when i run this adwcleaner how to fix it


on AdwCleaner's page

from vince46, (09 january 2017)

Number one for me. Of course I will submit and substitute AVG, for sure.
I had so many problems with a malware and AVG has not been able to solve the problem.


on AdwCleaner's page

from widenerb, (08 january 2017)

okay. I give up. Where's the download to new cleaner?


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from Matarese, (08 january 2017)

Now..again,to many similar programs=slows your PC,windows log in,but especially your default Browser because of too much extensions&apps.My Chrome has already the 3 "must have" extensions&apps,and no more...Basta.:)


on LoadTool's page

from zarathustra, (08 january 2017)

Wordpress URL is no longer active:

Site officiel:
" is no longer available."


on RKill's page

from Matarese, (08 january 2017)

@Marcelo I totally don't understand your post ?!? Is this good or bad ?