Can you share the logfile?
cocochepeau, 2019-01-23 19:32:14 (UTC)
here is the log file
Can you share the logfile?
cocochepeau, 2019-01-23 19:32:14 (UTC)
here is the log file
I have difficulty to post on your forum ? what’s going on?
when I have to post my reply above then the page goes blank ?
gamezertruth, 2019-01-16 16:56:21 (UTC)
We're currently having issues with our forum. The "blank page" bug will be fixed in the coming days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
on your website is still shown an old version of the download link of the zhpcle...
Lors d'une désinfection : scan et nettoyage par Adwcleaner
pour la ligne:
Deleted C:\Users\Rose Marie\AppData\Local\AdvinstAnalytics
Mais supprimé par ADWcleaner, il réapparait ensuite .
Envisageant un faux Positif, j'ai fait archivé le dossier AdvinstAnalytics pour avoir fichier AdvinstAnalytics.7Z afin de l soumettre ce dernier à Vir...
The items listed under domains in the original post will have been given a value of 4 in the registry. This figure means they are "blocked" (by SpywareBlaster or whatever) so should never be reported by ADWCleaner. We have had this type of FP before so it seems ADWCleaner needs to be programmed to ignore those with that value.
Remove botton. 1) pc1: no messages from Comodo > Remove botton works well; 2) pc2: messages from Comodo, I click on Allow as Safe application > Remove botton doesnt work, nothing happens.
Problem fully resolved by doing: Comodo > Applications> right click > "Unlock %temp% folder: uninstall.bat". ok!
PS: Comodo deleted your adwcleaner.exe when trying to copy it into a pendrive marking it as Ma...
Referring to the FAQ linked above.
Are both AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes needed?
- Yes!
- AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes are designed to work well together
- AdwCleaner specializes in adware and PUPs removal and does not offer real-time protection. It does a more thorough job of cleaning the left-over traces, OS configurations, and system modifications caused by malware.
- Malwarebytes focuses more o...
Hey i didnt use malwarebytes 3 since december but wanted to check my pc right now (i usually do it with adwcleaner but well sometimes i just check everything) now onto the "problem" everytime i start the malwarebytes 3 scam my avira pops up with a warning that the admin blocked sth from doing sth to my registry i dont find any malware on my pc with malwarebytes nor adwcleaner and a full avira s...
bonjour datwin-bordo , aka magritte, aka jonathan carribon , aka, aka, aka, etc......
tu t'étonnes pourquoi on te répond pas sur FEI et SOSVirus ? lol !!!! tu t'y es fait bannir sous 50 pseudos différents sur un dizaine de sites....
je n'ai besoin de dire à personne encore moins à toi pourquoi puisque tu le sais déjà....essaie plutot de prendre les helpers étrangers pour des nouilles , ca mar...
Bonjour yankeelady
Je pense que votre traducteur n'est pas très bon, pas grave.
Je n'ai plus le rapport, ni la quarantaine; tout supprimer.
La détection était : C:/ProgramData/Audysey Labs
Ce dossier était vide, certainement un restant d'une ancienne installation.
J'ai supprimé manuellement ce dossier.
Ensuite Supprimer dans Paramètres/ Application de AdwCleaner
Merci Bonne jour...