Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops


This time the program did not find any malicious files and no error sign. This time it generated the log file you mentioned, it seems very huge so I uploaded it to the same place as last time.

Re: AdWare unable to clean DNSUnlocker

Can you find this adware on your Programs and Features? If you can see it there, you will be able to uninstall DNS Unlocker from your computer. And then you need to check if malicious browser extensions haven been added to your Chrome. You can get rid of it by following the removal guide in this post.

Re: ADWcleaner flagged as Malware


I've reported the false positive, waiting for an answer.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Edit : just got an answer :


This message has been generated by an automatic message response system.
The message contains details about verdicts that have been returned 
by Anti-Virus in response to the files 
(if any are included in the message) with the latest updates installed.   


Re: ordi troyenné comment éjecter l'intrus?



En effet via IE, je retrouvais le message de non validité de certificat sur tous les liens demandes. Meme en ayant desactivé Smartscreen. . Mais par contre IE laisse la possibilite de continuer a nos risques et perils...J'ai donc commencé a telecharger les logiciels proposés, sauf mozilla completement bloqué,

Vous n'avez pas réussi à télécharger la dernière version de Mozilla Fi...

Avira safesearch, faux positif ?


Les versions 5.008 et 5.009 me trouvent comme anomalie un fichier appartenant à l'antivirus Avira


J'aurais aimé savoir si c'était un faux positif ou est-ce que je peux nettoyer ?

D'avance merci.


AIDE pour debutant

on AdwCleaner by ****

Boujour , nouveau a me servir de AdwCleaner voudrai savoir si l'on peut supprimer , tout ce que trouve apres le scanne AdwCleaner ?..Merci a vous  Bien cordialement Monkey06 (pas si malin ) 

Save to Pocket Extension incorrectly identified as malware

Hey there! 

We have received several reports that AdwCleaner are mistakenly identifying the Save to Pocket extension as another extension that is known to be malicious. This extension appears to be using our unique identifier, and therefore users are being told to uninstall the Pocket extension incorrectly. 

Any ideas of how we can remedy this? It's a shame that users are being told to remove...

Re: submit samples


hi & thank you for your tool. is there any documented way to submit malicious samples to be included in future detection?

madperson, 2015-09-08 19:05:31 (UTC)

Nevertheless, don't hesitate to use this forum for submitting feedbacks.


submit samples

on AdwCleaner by ****

hi & thank you for your tool. is there any documented way to submit malicious samples to be included in future detection?

Re: adwcleaner vers 5.0.3


I've updated the documentation accorded to your suggestion.

  • "Reset IPSec settings" : Reset IPSec settings. It's a protocol used to established encrypted connection between hosts. It can cause connection troubles due to specific malicious software.
  • "Reset BITS queue" : Empty the "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" queue. It's used to transfer files (like software or signatures u...