Re: Version AdwCleander



Now it is working with the function "parallel-download" activatided. Congratulations to you and your team.

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


Just ran it again this morning and it still fails.  I did not do a dump, but it looks like it stopped in the same area.

pjbinchrist, 2018-02-26 16:11:33 (UTC)

As I wrote earlier, AdwCleaner 7.1 should fix this issue.

In my precedent message, I was talking about downloading issues - that should be resolved now.


Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


The download issue should now be resolved. Can you confirm?


Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


This issue should now be resolved. Can you confirm?


Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


The issue with download managers is known and will be resolved at the end of the week. In the meantime, please avoid using any download manager while downloading AdwCleaner - it should then work as expected.

To be more precise, this is related to parallel download feature (in Chrome, since version 64) and some other download managers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

Some strange thing is going on when I try to download ADWCleaner 7.0.8 I assume it is on my side but please confirm. Most of the time downloaded file is corrupted with wrong checksums. It was 100% always corrupted when downloaded with Download Master (download manager) until I finally set option of "download files in 1 thread" AND it must not rename a file at the end if already same named file ...

Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas


AdwCleaner v7 n'est plus compatible avec Windows XP. Vous pouvez toujours utiliser la dernière version de la 6ème branch, en suivant ce lien :

Notez que cette version n'est pas maintenu à jour et ne dispose donc pas des dernières définitions en date.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser Malwarebytes 3, qui lui est compatible ...

Re: Version AdwCleander

I activated a function on my Chrome through the link - chrome://flags/  called - parallel-download.  

This is what affected the AdwCleaner download.

The funny thing is that this only affected your program. 


All employees of the company where I work have the same problem because they have enabled this function in their browsers. That's why I wrote "many people" earlier.

I'm sorry for th...

Re: Version AdwCleander


When you say "many people do the AdwCleaner download but are unable to run the program", can you share some other cases? That'd be helpful.

Also, can you try downloading AdwCleaner using another web browser (Chrome, Firefox, ..)?


Re: Version AdwCleander

In the last update of Windows 10, they upgraded Windows defender. Especially the Exploit protection. Many people do the AdwCleaner dowload but are unable to run the program.

See the icon after after the download