Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Thank you for the update my friend.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

This issue is fixed in the coming beta, published very soon..

Re: Malwarebytes will not open


Can you use this tool and host the result on ?


Re: Adwcleaner Error new Version

Yeah I hope they finally do something it really annoys me -.- and I cant even use the older versions because I always need to update I cant cancel it

Re: Crash when scanning

on AdwCleaner by bug

problem by using

the scan works well, but the cleaning tool ==> crash


DEBUG [9884] [AdwCleanerSDK::Folders::CleanFolder@114] [!]

Fatal error 2017-08-03 06:53:17.854 DEBUG [8836] [MainUI::OnClose@632] [!] Initializing exit sequence...-32000

Malwarebytes will not open

I have a Dell laptop running Windows 7.  I picked up something (I suspect a Firefox update).  Now Malwarebytes will not open.  I uninstalled it, then downloaded and installed it again as well as Adwcleaner.  Neither one will open.  Malwarebytes shows in the tray but that is it.  All executables show no errors.  They just will not start.  All of this started this morning (8/3/2017).  I have noti...

Re: vers 7.0

hi bernard82!

many thxs for yr witness!

yes the quarantine BUG is still

the event's logs BUG..

and the pop up alert BUG that claims you are not running the latest vers...

before the infaust acquisition of malawarebytes this NEVER happened..

what a pity..


Re: vers 7.0

I've discovered same "Quarantine bug" when I want to recover few files deleted and placed in quarantine. Deleted files are in C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine subfolders but aren't shown in Quarantine dialogbox tab in AdwCleaner

I moved manually to their original place the files I want to recover, but it's more easy when Quarantine restoring works in AdwCleaner just with few mouse clicks.


Re: Adwcleaner Error new Version

It's so weird though... I haven't encountered any of these issues or any previous issues regarding the launch. It just works every time. I am hoping Devs/Official representatives can comment on the situation appropriately.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Does not work!  It stops / freezes with the same pop up window saying "caught". I tried the older version immediately after and it worked fine. Then went back and tried the newest version again....but it failed agan.

OB1947D, 2017-08-01 13:34:02 (UTC)


Can you share the debug logfile? (click on Tools > Options > tick Debug and do a scan/clean to trigger the bug. Then, share the file...