How do I know what I want to keep? For example, "HKCU\Software\One System Care sounds like something important. Do I need to delete these things if I want to clear my PC of malware?
How do I know what I want to keep? For example, "HKCU\Software\One System Care sounds like something important. Do I need to delete these things if I want to clear my PC of malware?
is this malware? I want to make sure that I do not delete important files on my laptop. Thanks!
I used the current version of AdwCleaner today without issue. I run 3 layers of PAID active Anti-Virus protection: Emsisoft Anti-Virus, Malwarebytes Pro, and Hitman Pro.
In response to the false positive claim of AdwCleaner being a threat, I did a scan on the AdwCleaner.exe with all three AV programs. AdwCleaner came back CLEAN. Also, I have used it for years...and AdwCleaner catches the ...
Thanks, Bkav has been contacted and we're waiting an answer...
of course that's a false positive. It will be fixed asap. :)
cocochepeau, 2015-11-05 15:19:31 (UTC)
Avast solved but still have 1 false positive
Voici le rapport. entre temps, j'ai réussi à redémarrer normalement en décochant les services et le démararge sous msconfig mais en recochant c'est reparti. L'ordi salllume directement en mode sans échec.
Merci une nouvelle fois
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Date de l'analyse: 06/11/2015 Heure de l'analyse: 21:24:07 Fichier journal: rapport malware ...
of course that's a false positive. It will be fixed asap. :)
Detection Message: Win32:Evo-gen [Susp]
I have reported this as a False Positive to Avast Lab.
Virustotal Analysis: