OK, bon pour récupérer certains fichiers mis en Quarantaine, je l'ai fait manuellement et ça marche. Mais ça serait utile qu'ADWCleaner arrive à retrouver tout seul ce qu'il a mis en quarantaine. Les cases à cocher, c'était plus simple que de tout avoir à faire à la main. Suffit de trouver le correctif à appliquer pour que le programme ne perde pas la "mémoire"... Ok aussi, je sais bien que l'installeur de MiPony est truffé d'adwares peu recommandables, mais personnellement je le lance avec Sandboxie pour en extraire juste le bon utilitaire et éviter les adwares/malwares inclus dedans.
Si vous souhaitez obtenir MiPony v2.54 SANS l'installeur bourré d'adwares, vous pouvez le télécharger ici:
Testé sur VirusTotal: https://virustotal.com/fr/file/2f3825309058775c81d189983517af38b7bce2a0fb20b0c9a3c344d6475fa78f/analysis/1501755871/
TNTCrypter is now available!
More optimized than ever!
Thanks for the support!
I am currently developing two new big features for the application.
Stay tuned for more!
"Genius might be the ability to say a profound thing in a simple way." - Charles Bukowski
Kleiner Verbesserungsvorschlag, da Laien selbst mit der simplen UI von AdwCleaner überfordert zu sein scheinen:
Statt "Löschen" evtl. "Funde löschen" und statt Deinstallieren" besser "AdwCleaner deinstallieren" als Beschriftung verwenden, da viele offenbar nach dem Suchlauf auf "Deinstallieren" klicken, weil sie glauben, damit wäre das Deinstallieren der Adware gemeint.
Je partage ce que dit @Edelweiss pourquoi AdwCleaner est en anglais depuis les deux dernières versions, alors qu'il était en français jusque là ?
J'ai aussi XPpro il serait donc en anglais que pour les anciens systèmes XP ?
Pour le programme c'est simple, pour le rapport ça l'est moins, de plus ça va rebuter plus d'une personne d'utiliser ce programme génial, qu'on retrouve en recommandation sur tous les forums sérieux.
Un effort Xplode pour la langue française s'il te plaît ;)
AdwCleaner works really well. Thank you! It would be great if you could add SimpleHelp 4.2 Remote Access service to the whitelist. I get disconnected from the remote computer during the cleaning process. This is remote support software similar to TeamViewer and others. Thank you!
Thank you for this new release.
Unfortunately, some of the false positives I've listed a while back are still being flagged:
Simple Adblock (which is now Adblock Plus for IE)
Legitimate proxy server settings
Why have you removed the option to DisableAskProtection, DisableBrowsersProtection, DisableProxyProtection....?
The following entries are false positives:
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\ProgSense (included with some software to look for updates - nothing malicious or deceiving)
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Simple Adblock (adblocker now known as Adblock Plus knowingly installed by user for Internet Explorer)
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Hola (knowingly installed by user)
HKCU\Software\ProgSense (included with some software to look for updates - nothing malicious or deceiving)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{459DD0F7-0D55-D3DC-67BC-E6BE37E9D762} (belongs to ZoomBrowser EX, a Canon camera utility)
The following are proxy settings knowingly added by user:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings [ProxyEnable] - 1
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings [ProxyOverride] - *.local
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings [ProxyServer] - socks=localhost:1234
Thanks in advance for correcting the issue.
@DaGuRu: Ganz vergessen: Deine herablassende Gönnerhaftigkeit steht in gewissem Gegensatz dazu, wie "kompetent" du mit Links umgehst. Grüß mir M-K-D-B, wer immer das auch sein mag. Er oder sie muss sehr beschäftigt sein, um so simple Kleinigkeiten nicht innerhalb von 5 min. zu korrigieren. Und natürlich kenne ich den Google-Cache. Netter Versuch.
just like to say thank you your cleaner sorted my p.c out i had been plagued with ads and i couldn't get rid of them so after watching a clip on you tube i came straight to your website and downloaded your cleaner.I couldn't believe it worked and it was so simple to use now i'm ad free and everything is running fine now
I had to make an account just to thank you for this amazing program.
I had something crazy going on on my computer that installed priceechopp and savemaass as extensions on chrome every time I opened it - making ads pop up everywhere...
I tried going through my installed programs list and deleting things (I found scary things with tricky names that looked normal in there too) but nothing helped
I read forums and forums about people who had the same problem as me and were installing all these programs with none of them helping
Finally someone said that this helped so I tried it
It was so fast, and so weird to see the notepad open with all of these scary files that were deleted - I would have never thought to look for them in those locations
Anyways thank you sooo much.
And for anyone who wants to get rid of pricechopp, this is the only thing I've heard of that actually works.