hi now is 4th july...19may last ytr tool's update...??
when a new one..?
what a very bad day for us the acquisition of yr label by malawarebytes..
what a pity..
hi now is 4th july...19may last ytr tool's update...??
when a new one..?
what a very bad day for us the acquisition of yr label by malawarebytes..
what a pity..
Hi again, sorry a question: is this a new very strange updating system or a malware? thanks
found in %temp% and I was asked at boot by UAC if I want to run it. I deleted it and stop. Today, since I have a clean disk image (thanks for your previous help), I accepted and clicked on OK. Online I find fast nothing about this autorun installer, released by Comodo on 30th june.thanks.
Pouvez-vous faire une analyse avec Malwarebytes 3: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/309-malwarebytes/ ?
Suite à signalement et essais personnels je vous signale ce faux positif :
Tout dossier nommé STORE est systématiquement détecté comme malveillant.
Store en anglais, outre de vouloir dire de base "Magasin", veut aussi dire stockage (Storage)
Ce faux positif peu porter atteinte sur certaines machines utilisées dans le commerce, la gestion (entre autre)
Do you have an alternative?
YisroelTech, 2017-06-20 02:37:35 (UTC)
Yes, you have to think by yourself and not to use some strange tools. There are not too many tools used in curing that have a special option to clean itself. So in most cases its enough to simply delete its folder and there'll be no described here problems. Some of tools have its own unistaller like AdwCleaner (thou in last...
Thanks for the confirmation.
Yes, I was speaking of MB3 as Malwarebytes 3 as a replacement for your BSOD'ing Comodo: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/309-malwarebytes/
A more detailled description: https://www.malwarebytes.com/premium/
If you need some details, just ask.
Pouvez-vous utiliser cet outil: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/385-avcertclean/
Ensuite, relancez AdwCleaner et copiez/collez le rapport d'analyse genere.
Can you please execute this software?
To use it, simply execute AVCertClean.exe.
A logfile will open at the end, please host it on Up2sha.re and share the link in your next reply.
Hello dear fr33tux,
taa taratàtta taaaaaa (I-II-III C trumpets)
pim popopìm pom p'rrrrrrrr (kettledrums in G-C)
You will understand the reason for this Fanfare by looking at the following report (after the....11th pass!) for B_Desktop: https://s15.postimg.org/5w9f0e3tl/untitled3.jpg?dl=1
No words, music only! :D
[ If there were a portable (!) USB version for Windows I could do a further t...