Re: I can no longer login on Windows 10 after running Adwcleaner

Sure thing.  Here is the log titled "AdwCleaner[C1].txt":


# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 21/07/2016 at 17:55:04
# Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-07-21.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Username : Brian - BRIAN-PC)
# Running from : C:\Users\Brian\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe
# Option : Clean
# Support :

***** [ Servic...

I can no longer login on Windows 10 after running Adwcleaner


I recently ran Adwcleaner on my Macbook Pro on the Windows 10 partition, and after it flagged several registry files and rebooted, I can no longer login to Windows 10.  It displays, "Other User" instead of my name, and when I try to login as a local user with "BRIAN-PC\Brian" and my password, it restarts abruptly and starts the cycle again.

Is it possible to restore the registry files ...