Re: Are these detections dangerous?

Thank you for your attention.

Re: Are these detections dangerous?


Not sure about these ones. Let me double check first.


Are these detections dangerous?

Regards, I just wanted to ask if these adwcleaner detections are very dangerous.

***** [ Registro ] *****

[-] Llave eliminada: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\

[-] Llave eliminada: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\

[#] Llave eliminada al reiniciar: [x64] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explore...

Re: Windows start menu doesnt work

you can repair windows with too , it makes come back everything

Install , click on the tab Start Repairs => Repairs => Open Repairs and check "all Repairs"

close all applications and click on "Start" 

let the tool work 'till the end and after that , restart the computer  

Re: AdwCleaner 6.041 not compatible with Avira Antivirus Pro


You're right, it's OK today with the virus definition.


Re: erreur sqlite3.dll au demarrage du scan...



2016-12-17 10:42:25 :     <INFO>    [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file
2016-12-17 10:42:27 :     <INFO>    [main.gui] - Scan requested
2016-12-17 10:42:27 :     <INFO>    [scan] - Running from: C:\AdwCleaner
2016-12-17 10:42:27 :     <INFO>    [scan] - Progress: 0%
2016-12-17 10:42:27 :     <INFO>    [database] - Checking for database updates

PyProxy problem- Adwcleaner continually finds and cannot remove

Eveyrtime I run AdwCleaner it keeps finding the same 57 PcProxy related errors.  Can anyone help please.

Many thanks


When the computer is restarted A C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe propmt window appears with the following 2 lines repeated about 20 times

ERROR: Invalid key name.

Type "REG DELETE /?" for usage


The Logfile displayed on restert is as follows

# AdwCleaner v6.041 - Logfile ...

Re: WIE Chromium, Shark700 entfernen, löschen

Hallo Schweriner, 

Bitte melde Dich an dem deutschen Forum an und eröffne ein Thema im Malwarebereich. 

Dort kann man dir optimal helfen. 

Re: AdwCleaner 6.041 not compatible with Avira Antivirus Pro


It was not detected at the time of the release, so I guess there was an issue with Avira definitions.

It seems fixed though.


Re: AdwCleaner 6.041 not compatible with Avira Antivirus Pro


I've just installed the new Avira Antivirus Pro v15.0.24.146 (virus definition

It's detecting a bad thing: DR/Autoit.haroo into the 6.041 AdwCleaner file (consequently sent in quarantine).

Are you aware?

HiSpeed, 2016-12-16 16:07:05 (UTC)

This "problem" is not up to AdwCleaner...

The problem is that Avira detects Adwcleaner wrongly as Malware. This is a false positive ...