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de ksrinivas, (30 septembre 2014)

it woks very good wonderful removed istart websearches by K .Srinivas


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de cocochepeau, (29 septembre 2014)

@lukasz138 isn't an official website, you should always download AdwCleaner from this page.


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de rjreding, (17 septembre 2014)

V3.310 hangs when Analyzing Browsers. I have tried running in safe mode with same results. Any suggestions? Thanks.


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de Edelweiss, (03 septembre 2014)



J'ai eu le même problème depuis la version 3.308...Il faut simplement restaurer le fichier depuis la zone quarantaine et exclure se exe.

Bonne fin de journée



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de ****, (03 septembre 2014)

this fantastic software solve default search problem that i spend much time to solve it
thanks developers i will enter your site again and again as i remember to press ads on website to support
thanks again


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de JoshuaH, (02 septembre 2014)

I have tried to download this several times with the same result as everyone else, Norton Internet Security is treating this programme as a trojan and deletes it. I have been on the NIS website forums and people there are quoting that the programme is safe to use and providing website links for download, both the BleepingComputer and Xplode links yet is still being blocked by NIS, any ideas if there is another programme available...?


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de viruseg, (24 août 2014)

False alarm:

C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fhkmpddbiciimgibbkmimhfognpknmeo
It is absolutely legal extension of the store

In this folder, I have installed "Cloud", it need not be removed, it is completely legal and no it does not apply to advertising

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mail.Ru
And in that folder I have is a shortcut to the legal application "Cloud"


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de phgl09, (15 août 2014)

et merci aux développeurs, j'ai enfin pu me débarrasser de istarsurf ... Quand on est simple utilisateur, pas très facile de trouver tout seul ; encore merci !


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de ****, (14 août 2014)

Does not detect pricechopper which is a Google Extension that I never added and keeps re-installing after deleted. Would appreciate a fix to detect from Browser. Thank you.


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de Lindi44, (12 août 2014)

Hello, v3.304 does not detect PriceChup. For PriceChup Add-On see Unfortunately, I found only this German website. But I think you will be able to understand this. Best regards, Juergen.