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de ****, (09 décembre 2014)

After 2 days trying with a lot of programms, has adware cleaner resolved my problem. Thanks a lot.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de p060477, (07 décembre 2014)

hats off to xplode and cocochepeau!

thanks so much really indeed for the great and hard job you have done!
and for the time and patience that you have gifted to all of us windows' xp's users!

now yr precious tool really rocks!

and it works very fine on my old wins xp as it always have done in the past up to the vers 3.311

thanks so much again!

do not forget this solution you have discovered
to solve the bug because maybe in the future should be helpful again



sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Me1, (03 décembre 2014)


I'm using XP, and AdwCleaner has never detected any adware or malware on my computer other than one or two orphan registry entries. How many did AdwCleaner detect on your Windows 7 computer? Oh yeah, 140.... There's a lot more to computing than having the very latest... ;)


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (03 décembre 2014)

Can I just say thanks for AdwCleaner. I had 140 ad-programs clogging my machine. Your software got rid of them fast! Also, a word to the XP users out there. It is a little strange to be using an operating system no longer supported by MS with utilities and security updates - and then complain that an Adware removal program won't work on it! Your computer is a disaster waiting to happen! Please upgrade to Win 7 at least - for your own sake.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (30 novembre 2014)

I can't run the new adw cleaner version on my pc because I get this AutoIt Error message when opening the file: "Line 2057 (File "G:\adwcleaner_4.102.exe"): Error: Variable must be of type "Object". I use Vista premium 64 bits. Can somebody help? Thank you.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de p060477, (27 novembre 2014)

@cocochepeau said about 23 hours ago: administrator

@Bob2014 AdwCleaner supports WinXP. :

..not in my case, i have windows xp serv pack 3 pro ed and when i launch adwcleaner.exe
i only get a pop up windows saying:
error line 2057
Variable must be of type "Object"

the last vers that works fine on my pc, windows xp, is 3.311
with the new vers 4 i always get that error just after launching adwcleaner.exe

pls help me and all of windows's xp users



sur la page de AdwCleaner

de dellwashy, (25 novembre 2014)

just like to say thank you your cleaner sorted my p.c out i had been plagued with ads and i couldn't get rid of them so after watching a clip on you tube i came straight to your website and downloaded your cleaner.I couldn't believe it worked and it was so simple to use now i'm ad free and everything is running fine now


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de itsmevini123, (24 novembre 2014)

I have just installed and ran it but after I selected all folders, files and registry files to clean it restarted what I saw is Radsteroidsis stiil there in my all programme and showing unwanted add in chrome, please help, does any body have any solution for Radsteroids?


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (23 novembre 2014)

I had to make an account just to thank you for this amazing program.
I had something crazy going on on my computer that installed priceechopp and savemaass as extensions on chrome every time I opened it - making ads pop up everywhere...
I tried going through my installed programs list and deleting things (I found scary things with tricky names that looked normal in there too) but nothing helped
I read forums and forums about people who had the same problem as me and were installing all these programs with none of them helping
Finally someone said that this helped so I tried it
It was so fast, and so weird to see the notepad open with all of these scary files that were deleted - I would have never thought to look for them in those locations

Anyways thank you sooo much.
And for anyone who wants to get rid of pricechopp, this is the only thing I've heard of that actually works.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (25 octobre 2014)