
sur la page de MiniTool Power Data Recovery

de henrymosley, (26 avril 2022)

Unfortunately, I have had bad experiences with these kinds of information return applications, one day I lost confidence in them and find it difficult to rely on their help. That said, I'm finding more and more different recommendations that freelance work needs to have at least something installed, even though my work mainly uses the internet, data return is important to me. Although even some Influencers with sometimes answer the question negatively, as they also ignore such services. Who knows who is right.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Komeni, (01 octobre 2016)

@cocochepeau You are right, I tried the process again and it did ask me. I don't recall getting this warning message the first time though, or maybe i just ignored it, which would be my fault. Thanks for getting in touch.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de cocochepeau, (15 septembre 2016)


@fabiolagraeber It's not a bug. Just ignore it. It won't prevent you from downloading AdwCleaner.
@KOPFteam It should be fixed with the latest version of AdwCleaner (6.020).



sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ToniDolphin, (04 juillet 2016)

Please ignore my previous post. Just found out myself :D.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de lechuck, (01 octobre 2015)


La clé HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{9522B3FB-7A2B-4646-8AF6-36E7F593073C} semble être une vaccination Spybot et devrait être ignorée, cordialement.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de 3ogdy, (29 mai 2015)

Amazing software, Xplode!
I would like to point out a few things I noticed with AdwCleaner:
SereneScreen is a screensaver software, not malware. Ad-Aware is an anti-adware program, but AdwCleaner keeps detecting it. Also, could you please give us a way to add certain detections to a permanent ignore /excluded list?
I know sometimes software ends up being detected as PUP, therefore an exclusion list should solve any issues with it!

I also want to point out that sometimes, AdwCleaner seems unable to start - sometimes due to an infection, sometimes seemingly without a real reason. It updates and then fails to start.

Keep up the awesome work you're doing!


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de seanb1979, (01 décembre 2014)

Can you please include screenconnect in your ignored processes? Just recently adwcleaner started targeting screen connect for removal. This is one of the most popular remote connection utilities out there so you should be able to ignore it. Their site is

Also, I'm surprised so many people are using XP still. I can understand using it on an isolated production system, but for everyone else, I think it's time to move on.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de cocochepeau, (29 novembre 2014)

@ben666 Merci pour votre retour, nous allons faire notre possible pour annuler ce blacklistage. En attendant, il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton "Ignorer" lorsque Chrome signale AdwCleaner comme étant un malware potentiel.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Doumas, (31 juillet 2014)

V. 3.302, Il semble que cette mise à jour a pris en compte la raison du blocage objet de ma question d'il y a 2 jours à propos de:
"Line 2131 (File"H:\!download\adwcleaner_3.301.exe")"..
Alors bug ou pas, j'ignore mais comme le blocage semblait provenir de la présence de l'extension "Disable Anti-Adblock" de Firefox et désormais, présence ou pas de l'extension ADWcleaner fonctionne...

Merci et bonne journée à tous