Re: Random Internet connection problem and exploit protection shutdown

Looks like I'm having DNS problems but I never had this before. I did 3 fixes to solve this.

1. Changed DNS server to google. The and the in Internet Protocol V4

2. I did the Command prompt commands

ipconfig /release ipconfig /all ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /renew

netsh int ip set dns netsh winsock reset

And I restarted my computer

3. I also did the "chrome://flags/” and ...


Downloaded Malware Bytes Adw Cleaner today. Worked pretty good and got rid of consistant malware that was blocking my internet and even though a lot of threats were found (58) it got rid of it all. But there are no Adw Icons on my desk top and I can't find Adw Cleaner in my control panel.

Is it gone and do I have to download all over again now?

Re: Adwcleaner Command Line interface -version CLI

Bonjour et merci pour cette réponse.

Mais pour en revenir à la CLI, est-ce que cette nouvelle version 6.043  comprend la CLI,

ou bien il faut attendre la prochaine version 7 ?

Je ne mets pa la pression... :-) ....

Juste pour savoir, parceque j'aime beaucoup adwcleaner.

je l'utilise souvent,

et aimerais le mettre dans des batchs.

et je penserai à une petite contribution bien meritée pour...

Re: Plus de connection internet après usage de Adwcleaner

Ok. Si jamais vous reproduisez le problème, n'hésitez pas à revenir!


Re: Plus de connection internet après usage de Adwcleaner

Je viens de consulter un forum et j'ai noté: point de restauration. J'ai donc cherché un point de restauration antérieur (daté d'une semaine). J'ai demandé à restaurer le système à cette date et après quelques minutes (3-4) le système a redémarré et oh, l'icône réseau en bas à droite était revenue à la normale et ai pu à nouveau surfer sur la toile. Je pense que le point de restauration a été c...

Re: Owner

dans Windows par Marethyu

Good evening,

Yes! Thank you for pointing CCleaner out, it actually fixed my redirect problem!

No more random redirects when i click randomly on a clean page or a link!

Thank you!

Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

I had several unwanted programs including adware and malware, and malwarebytes and adwcleaner removed most but UCguard and UCguard.sys still remain when scanning with adwcleaner. I had attempted to remove all unwanted programs in bulk and adwleaner would stop responding and I would have to restart my computer. I eventually narrowed the issue down to UCguard and now it is all that remains. I hav...

AdwCleaner "stopped working"

dans AdwCleaner par Marethyu

When I ran the AdwCleaner, it scanned everything and found some problems. I clicked "Clean" and it said that all programs must be closed for it to run as safely as possible. When it was running and stopping programs while cleaning folders, files etc, at one point, it just "Stopped responding" for quite awhile. Should I wait even longer?

Re: besoin aide pour savoir si c'est une menace

Bonjour merci pour votre réponse j'ai regarder votre lien mais le souci j'ai aucune trace appelées ssn.exe dans mon getionnaire de tache


Vous trouverez des tâches appelées ssn.exe en cours d'exécution dans le Gestionnaire des tâches qui utilisent une grande quantité de puissance du processeur. Ces processus auront une description appelée ssn.     Votre Internet va devenir plus lent.



Unable to get rid of a file through AdwCleaner


I recently installed MalwareBytes and Malwarebytes AdwCleaner and ran the scans because I have been getting a lot of pop-ups after letting my friend use my computer.  I ran the Adwcleaner three times, but this file is still remaining even after I cleaned it (three times).  The file is under WINDOWS\SysNative\drivers\kisknl_del.sys.  I am unsure if this file is actually harmful, should ...