Windows start menu doesnt work

dans AdsFix par Nobody

after i downloaded adfix the windows start menu has stopped working...i am using windows 10..i need a solution for this problem..i have tried uninstalling adfix and restarting the computer but nothing works..

please help


Re: Adwcleaner freezes while cleaning.


We're working on it, sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: Ransomware .shit?

Unfortunately, there is not currently a way to decrypt these files. I have attempted to decrypt using many different tools and other things but this is currently a no go.

Re: Simple clé ou Virus

A oui je précise aussi que pour assurez mon hypothese qu'il n'y a peut etre plus rien j'ai fait un ZHPDiag et que cela n'a rien trouvé !

Re: Adwcleaner Bericht


the mentioned file C:\rei is now (today) accepted by the cleaner and not allocated as a found malware. Obviously a self fixing problem.Thanky you too.


Re: Adwcleaner

dans AdwCleaner par zuppa


Je navigue ave FIREFOX. Je viens de recommencer et cela a marché cette fois. Je pense que cela effectivement venait du navigateur, je ne comprends pas bien ce qui s'est passé. Mais l'eesentiel ça marche maintenant.


Merci beaucoup pour votre répopnse,



Re: Folder deleted by mistake

OK, I'm waiting for your feedback then. :)

Sadly, it rains since the beginning of the day...


Re: Folder deleted by mistake


I'll be in my customers office tomorrow morning and run AdwCleaner to give you feedback.

The application in the Orlando-folder is accessible now and starts but I have to wait for the operator to check it in deep,

I hope it is a sunny sunday even in your place! regards

Re: Adwcleaner


Avez-vous bien utilisé cette page pour télécharger AdwCleaner: ?

Si oui, pouvez-vous me fournir le nom et la version de votre navigateur internet ?


Re: Folder deleted by mistake


Is it working again now?

I've removed the detection. Can you confirm that AdwCleaner is no longer trying to remove these folders? (Just share me the scan logfile, it should be enough)
