Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

I warmly thank you. (Since 02.juny all is ok at boot after the definitions update at boot!messageId-11854  even if Comodo has NOT been upgraded. Perhaps a month is too soon to be allowed to say "it is definitively fixed").

Re: 19 may last update..??..:(

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Once again, no software update doesn't mean no update at all:

Today's #AdwCleaner database update brings a lot of new detections!

The database is updated daily with a lot of new detections each day, and today was even more bigger.

Today is also the 4th of July which is a federal holiday, but I'm working on the v7.

I know that the development goes slower than what you would like, b...

Re: zhp cleaner High RAM usage and slow scan time

dans ZHPCleaner par JoshRoss

The reason why it uses so many resources is that of its portability. Most anti-viruses you need to install and keep constantly running. However, while using ZHP, you can just run it whenever you chose so. Generally, Anti-virus software uses a decent amount of resources if your computer is weaker concerning specifications. The scan time is dependent on many factors, including your CPU and HDD/SS...

Re: Antivirus Software

Most anti-virus softwares do the job relatively well, they all provide decent features, and most importantly, most of them have a free alternative, for example, IObit, Avast, Comodo, Malwarebytes and so on, you could try them out and see which ones you prefer yourself. And of course, the best product is usually a paid product, so whichever you chose to use, paid versions are more sustained. As ...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, thanks, I have to wait the next update because I deleted this installer from %temp%. But I clicked on the exe in the generated folder and it seems ok, a real comodo app: here what I see, perhaps a "new product":

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi again, sorry a question: is this a new very strange updating system or a malware? thanks

  found in %temp% and I was asked at boot by UAC if I want to run it. I deleted it and stop. Today, since I have a clean disk image (thanks for your previous help), I accepted and clicked on OK. Online I find fast nothing about this autorun installer, released by Comodo on 30th june.thanks.

Re: USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

dans USB File Resc par Liina

Dear Sirs,

I apologize for the enormous delay.

I was out of the country and all this kind of correspondence was only on my desktop.

No expansion needed ! 

The software is great - 100%. I am very happy about it. This was not a complaint, but just an interesting detail, that I found while testing it.

I appreciate very much your reply, as a prove of care and respect to all participants and us...

Re: Jaff virus?

bonjour si tu pouvais héberger un fichier crypté sur et donner le lien pour le récupérer, il est peut-être possible de faire quelque chose , en tout cas si tu as installé les logiciels proposés sur le site que tu indiques tu peux les désinstaller ce sont des crapwares qui ne feront absolument rien. ce site est menteur

Re: Jaff virus?

Slt, je me permet tu peut aller sur ce site pour avoir si il existe un outil décrytapge pour ton cas :

Re: A bug in Delfix

dans DelFix par regist

Do you have an alternative?

YisroelTech, 2017-06-20 02:37:35 (UTC)

Yes, you have to think by yourself and not to use some strange tools. There are not too many tools used in curing that have a special option to clean itself. So in most cases its enough to simply delete its folder and there'll be no described here problems. Some of tools have its own unistaller like AdwCleaner (thou in last...