Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up


Can you manually uninstall "Rox Player" from the Windows Settings ?


  1. Download CCleaner from here, and install it.
  2. Start CCleaner (there should be a shortcut on your Desktop)
  3. Go in Options tab > Advanced, untick Only delete Windows temporary files older than 24 hours.
  4. Then in Options  tab > Surveillance, untick the both boxes.
  5. In the Clean tab, click on "Clean".
  6. When the cleanin...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

dans Disinfection par ****

Here is the log :

Résultats de correction de Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x86) Version:18-04-2016
Exécuté par Paul (2016-04-19 20:58:21) Run:1
Exécuté depuis C:\Users\Paul\Desktop
Profils chargés: Paul (Profils disponibles: Paul)
Mode d'amorçage: Normal


fixlist contenu:
S3 avchv; \S...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up


Great ! I reproduced the problem. It's due to Rox Player, which is really tendancious (showings random ads, not updated for a quite long time...).

I added the detections to AdwCleaner, and we'll remove it manually there.

Download the file fixlist.txt and save it as "fixlist.txt" to the Desktop or where FRST is located.

NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST/FRST64 and fixlist.txt...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

I redacted the links to your logfiles in your precedent message since they contained some "sensitive"/"private" informations.

I analyze the logfile and come back to you with more informations.

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

dans Disinfection par ****

Here are the logfiles (sorry for the delay to answer) :

Re: AdwCleaner deletes some file but it reappears after Windows start-up


Something else seems to recreate the key. I'll look with a ZHPDiag report :

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click)
  • Then upload the log file on up2share (you will find it on your desktop, just drop the file on the upload zone)
  • Then post the link in your reply

Best regards,

Re: AdwCleaner deletes some file but it reappears after Windows start-up

***** [ Services ] *****

***** [ Folders ] *****

***** [ Files ] *****

[-] File Deleted : C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\h@tkeysh@@k.dll

***** [ DLLs ] *****

***** [ Shortcuts ] *****

***** [ Scheduled tasks ] *****

***** [ Registry ] *****

[-] Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{10921475-03CE-4E04-90CE-E2E7EF20C814}

***** [ Web browsers ] *****


Re: ADW Cleaner 5.112 and last 3 versions causing me BSOD Win 10

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux

The file which has been opened by Edge is the BlueScreenView report (you can see the path to the file in the adressbar on the top).

Can you copy this file to your Desktop : C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\041916-112203-01.dmp and create a zip archive from this file ?

Then, host it on, and paste here the generated link.

Best regards,

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

Yes, but your computer doesn't seem to have some remainings, so we need to spot what is re-creating this folder at each reboot.

Since I didn't see it with ZHPDiag, we'll try with FRST :

  1. Download FRST
  2. Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  3. Click on the "Scan" button
  4. The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  5. Please host them on Up2Sha...