dans Disinfection par ****

after so many fails to remove that super annoying virus , i have changed my windows 3 times nothing worked , this super annoying virus prevent me openning 98% of all websites simply if u enter a website like yahoo for example it automaticly switch to this and open even more endless websites after that , and in the end i cant open my website i want . SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANNOOOOOOOOOYING 

Re: Unable to remove some adware

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


@Clarkwong : please share the logfile generated by AdwCleaner when you used it. They are in C:\AdwCleaner.


@nutech2014 : please open your own topic, we'll help you there.

Unable to remove some adware

dans Disinfection par ****

Used to be able to remove hao123 browser hijacking and it is once my favourite tools to use to remove it. But since yesterday i tried to use it to remove it but it seem like unable to detect the registry of hao123 thus it failed to remove it. I hope there will be update for it so that i can remove the annoying hao123 browser hijack.

Re: False positive check

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


This false positive has been removed from the database.



I am trying to get rid of dnsunlocker but to no avail when i vist sites in firefox its creating hundreds of popups ive used mail ware bytes comodo awdcleaner and none have cleaned it fully its not in my program list to remove checked dns settings and their set to obtain does anyboyd no any free scanners that removes this evil add ware

Re: Ne peut pas supprimer certaines photos sur l'appli photo de windows 10

dans Windows par izabelle544


Un gros merci pour la suppression de ces photos.

Virus=Browser Hijacker

dans Windows par ****

I have been trying to remove this but i am having to luck. Its from Microsoft Edge, i even reinstalled the whole program! (I use windows 10). I tried Adw but it didnt fix my problem. Any ideas?


Re: Ne peut pas supprimer certaines photos sur l'appli photo de windows 10

dans Windows par fr33tux

Vu via TeamViewer.

La suppression manuelle des fichiers via l'explorateur Windows corrige le problème (visiblement un bug dans l'application Photos).

Re: Ne peut pas supprimer certaines photos sur l'appli photo de windows 10

dans Windows par izabelle544

M'envoyer vous un e-mail avant que je vous envoie les codes de team. Merci

Re: Ne peut pas supprimer certaines photos sur l'appli photo de windows 10

dans Windows par fr33tux


Il y a six heures d'écart, donc 15h heure de Montréal.