Re: Impossible d'installer AdwCleaner


Dans un premier temps, pouvez-vous essayer avec la version 6.042 ? Disponible ici :



dans AdwCleaner par Granier

je n arrive pas à télécharger adwcleeaner,


Impossible d'installer AdwCleaner

Bonjour a tous,

Je posséde Windows 7 X64, depuis longtemps je me server de AdwCleaner pour supprimer les logiciels indésirables.

Mais depuis la nouvelle version 6.041 je ne peut plus l'installer (impossible) je télécharge cette version 6.041, je clique sur Exécuter il s'installer mais quand je clique sur Analyser j'ai le message d'erreur suivant:


Ensuite quand je clique sur OK un autre m...

Re: Adwcleaner does not run


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure we'll find a way to launch AdwCleaner. Here are two questions for you :


Adwcleaner does not run

I downloaded Adwcleaner but does not run. I have temporarily suspended my AVG free entivirus and firewall but nothing happens. When I double click Adwcleaner or try to run it, even as administrator, nothing at all happens. What can i do?

I have AMISITES virus on all web explorers, and files uhwgwi4q and Atpspreerterght and need Adwclaener or something to clean my notebook URGENTLY.


Re: Genius pen tablet application a virus?

Sure here you go. Btw it also includes Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) as malware for some reason.

# AdwCleaner v6.041 - Logfile created 04/01/2017 at 17:56:57
# Updated on 16/12/2016 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2017-01-03.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home Single Language  (X64)
# Username : CraftedGaming - DESKTOP-DHKL890
# Running from : C:\Users\CraftedGaming\Downloads\adwcl...

Re: Genius pen tablet application a virus?


Can you share AdwCleaner logfile? Usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt


Genius pen tablet application a virus?

I'm using my graphic tablet with it's driver apps, one of which is Genius. ADWCleaner detects this is a virus. I scanned it with Malwarebytes and it didn't show up as a virus.

Here's the link from which I downloaded the driver:

Can anyone help me?

Re: Entries not found by Adwcleaner but found by MBAM


Sure, please do, as long as they are related to adware, PUP, .. :)


Entries not found by Adwcleaner but found by MBAM

Hi, is this a good place to put log entries not found by Adwcleaner but found by MBAM?