Re: MPC products detection

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


MPC Cleaner has been classified as a PUP since its behaviour is discutable (for instance here - in French only..).

Since they have updated their software to fix some issues, we might reconsider the detection.


Re: Language choice not working

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I can confirm this, I created the folder and it seems to work properly now. Thanks!

Re: ramnit virus

dans AdwCleaner par regist

downloaded the latest adw,  problem with a virus in the exe..  ramnit virus detected by ....  reason core security.. brrrr...  then downloaded

the exe on my external backup disk and ran the scan again...  same result ... as the virus was already in my system,  ran my recent backup.. virus gone

johan442, 2016-01-20 04:35:56 (UTC)

You are infected with file-virus. Win32/Ramnit (and related v...

Re: Language choice not working

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


You're right, there is currently a bug where you can't choose your language when you don't have C:\AdwCleaner folder created. ( that can happen if you previously uninstalled AdwCleaner or are using it for the first time ).

This issue will be fixed in v5.032 which will be online soon.


Re: Language choice not working

dans AdwCleaner par ****

@ russian, вы используете версию программы 5.031?

Пожалуйста, проверьте есть ли файл settings.ini в папке  AdwCleaner-а?

regist, 2016-01-27 14:15:39 (UTC)

regist привет, а про вас я совсем забыл!

зашёл на ваш сайт и всё решилось.

в корне диска создал папку AdwCleaner, в ней создал файл settings.ini с текстом


теперь всё ОК


Re: Language choice not working

dans AdwCleaner par regist

@malware1, do you run a program as an administrator?

For the Polish localization, create a file settings.ini with the following content



Re: DDur externe demande formatage


il indique structure Ok, c'est déjà un bon point

vulcain, 2016-01-26 16:49:40 (UTC)

vous me confirmez que vous êtes arrivé sur un affichage de ce genre : ?

Quelques questions :

  • Si j'ai bien interprêté le log, il devrait y avoir une seule partition. Etait-ce bien le cas avant que vous rencontriez ce problème ?
  • À partir de cet...

Re: Language choice not working

dans AdwCleaner par ****

No, there's no settings.ini file and the issue was introduced in 5.031.

Re: Language choice not working

dans AdwCleaner par regist

As the subject says. Checked on 2 computers, it's always in English.

malware1, 2016-01-26 13:15:23 (UTC)

@ malware1, are you using version 5.031?

Please check whether a settings.ini file exists in AdwCleaner folder. And if exist, what is written in it?

AdwCleaner 5.031

теперь выбор языка не работает!


russian, 2016-01-27 08:51:32 (UTC)

@ russian, вы используете версию программы 5....

Re: Language choice not working

dans AdwCleaner par ****

And still no update of the Polish translation (unless you forgot to include it in the changelog)...