How to remove Ninite.exe

dans Windows par Skyfall

I am running Windows 7 and I downloaded and installed the Ninite program for automatic software updates. It said it had installed and updated some programs but I cannot find the Ninite.exe file anywhere on my PC. Is there a way to remove it? Makes me uneasy to have a supposedly running program that I can't find / locate file location. Thank you.

Re: Hi is this legitimate site?


That's definitely not an official website. Here is the official page =>

..and it redirects to (which is the official download link).

Thanks for letting us know.

Have a happy new year. Regards.

Re: Honey false positive in adwcleaner

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Sorry for the delay.

Can you share the website associated tot his addon, or the place you've downloaded it?

Re: I want to install win 10?

dans Windows par cocochepeau


You won't be able to keep your current Windows 8 installation when running a basic upgrade to Windows 10. On the other hand, you could download the Windows 10 ISO using the upgrade software and try to install it beside you current Windows 8 (it requires to create a disk partition) but I do not recommend doing such a thing.

Instead, just give a try to Windows 10 and if you want to g...

Re: Signing

dans AdwCleaner par simplix

Of course already signed. At the time the message was created, everyone downloaded a version without a signature, and later the file was updated.

Re: Signing


I can confirm that is signed.

Try to download it again by following this link:


Re: Désinfection de tapsnake, cronDNS, Dubfishiw


S'il t'affiche un numéro de téléphone, n'appelle pas (c'est peut-être un peu bête comme conseil mais certains le font et se sont avoir, je ne connais pas ton niveau).



  • Télécharge et lance AdwCleaner (de ToolsLib / Malwarebytes), choisis l'option Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, choisis l'option Nettoyer.
  • Redémarre le PC comme demandé, héberge le rapport sur pjjoint.malekal...


dans AdwCleaner par Destrio5


Tu dois avoir cette infection :

Passe un coup (voire plusieurs) d'AVCertClean :

Ensuite AdwCleaner (et Malwarebytes) devrait pouvoir se lancer.

Re: I can't download the tool with EagleGet downloader


EagleGet may need some extra configuration in order to work with our download system. It's a bit more complex than just a direct download link. As you might have seen, we're using "timed tokens".

I can't download the tool with EagleGet downloader


When i try to download the tool with EagleGet, i always get an invalid file with wrong hashes, and i get "this app can't run on your pc" or "side-by-side configuration is wrong".

But whenever i download it directly with the browser, i get correct file with right hashes and it works fine.

Also when i downloaded it from here with EagleGet, it has been downloaded correctly without problems.