Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

dans AdwCleaner par Honest1

Just did another search, the last trace of it is no longer found. All gone. Did completly nothing, the last one went away on its own. 

I don't use Malwarebytes after the huge changes. Count on Adw, JRT,  & MBAE. I hope you live long, so Corporate won't take control.


My other questions, which can help other Users:

System Restore Point. Was taking up to much space for Microsoft, so they cut...

adwcleaner_7.0.7.0 failure to run

dans AdwCleaner par EDMEL

Load up, updates, begins to check the exits

I have read other posts and did the checks here is the log file

Link to logfile

Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys

dans AdwCleaner par Honest1

SysNative, means System32.

I found it here:


Name                     Size

mrxsmb.22.sys       57 KB



I then tracked it thru Manic Time to the exact time in seconds and found what happened at that time as confirmed adw, installer wnd.

What this was is a fake Cedrick Collomb Portable. Unlocker is only an Install.

Would not delete man...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


Please run AdwCleaner in debug mode.

  • Open AdwCleaner and click Tools > Options and place a check in the box next to Debug Logs
  • Run another scan/clean.
  • Then, share the file: C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log


Re: Advanced System Care

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


My questions are:  can I tell ADW not to remove advanced system care when I put it back?  And can anyone tell me, if ADW hasn't removed ASK and the other two, where they might be hiding, and how I can stop them coming back?

silvamayflower, 2017-11-19 11:51:41 (UTC)

The coming update (AdwCleaner 7.1) will provide this feature indeed, but for now it's not possible.

Regarding Ask and ...

Re: I want to install win 10?

dans Windows par cocochepeau


You won't be able to keep your current Windows 8 installation when running a basic upgrade to Windows 10. On the other hand, you could download the Windows 10 ISO using the upgrade software and try to install it beside you current Windows 8 (it requires to create a disk partition) but I do not recommend doing such a thing.

Instead, just give a try to Windows 10 and if you want to g...

Advanced System Care

I've been using IObit's advanced system care and other progs for a long time now, on recommendation of a techie.  I have successfully told Malwarebytes not to remove it, although Mb obviously hates it.  However, I've just had a problem with recurring PUPs and thought I'd turn to ADW because my current stronger package is playing silly-b's since a recent update.  But it just came up with a board...

Re: lavasoft web companion

dans AdwCleaner par user4747


# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Tue Nov 14 14:41:20 2017

Hope this will help and please let me know if you need any other data.

Thx, user4747

lavasoft web companion

dans AdwCleaner par user4747

Hi guys,


I installed the other 'some' tool and while installig this other tool my windows 7 box got infected with

'lavasoft web companion'

obivouly my first weapon of choice was to pick up a new vesion of adwcleaner.

 However the currenct version seems of have problems removing the above named spyware.

However I partialy managed to remove some elements of lavasoft web companion....

The tool couldn't kill the adware


I have used the tool trying to remove an adware, but no results.

Here is the link of the malicious file:



It looks like the malicious URL doesn't download the file now, so i uploaded the file here.

Update 2:

After some investigation, it turned out that proxy settings have been manipula...