As requested here are the log files:

After the scan the log files are:

When we choose the "SCAN" tab the log files are: "C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner (S173) .txt" until (S60).txt. (113 log files)

When we choose the "Cleaning" tab the log files are: "C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner(C32).txt" until (C8).txt.(24 log files).

Have a great day.



Re: Adwcleaner v.6.000 "not responding"


Can you activate the debug mode and start a cleaning process until it hangs? Then simply close AdwCleaner, launch it again and share us the debug logfile.

Here's the documentation if needed:

Do not hesitate to tell me if you don't understand something. :)



Adwcleaner and teamviewer

Could you please whitelist the teamviewer remote control aplication.   It is closed when cleaning.  Thanks

Re: Répertoire de fonctionnement...

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux
 Je n'ai aucun logiciel tiers sur mes machines qui installe ses data à la racine de C, et pourtant j'en utilise beaucoup...

2. Au besoin sous Windows 7 et +, pourquoi n'utilisez-vous pas "ProgramData" ou "Utilisateurs\All Users" ? Ce sont les endroits où sont stockés généralement toutes les data des logiciels tiers (non utilisateur-dépendants)...


HiSpeed, 2016-08-15 08:36:48 (UTC)

C'est qu...

Re: Répertoire de fonctionnement...

dans AdwCleaner par HiSpeed


Je croyais mon post initial suffisamment explicite...

1. Pourquoi utilisez-vous la racine du disque C: pour le répertoire des data et pas (au minimum) le répertoire d'installation (qui chez moi est sur D:) ? Je n'ai aucun logiciel tiers sur mes machines qui installe ses data à la racine de C, et pourtant j'en utilise beaucoup...

2. Au besoin sous Windows 7 et +, pourquoi n'utilisez-...

ADW False postiive registry reporting

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan

Hello, I'd like to report a false positive

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 15/08/2016 at 01:08:43
# Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-08-15.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate  (X64)
# Username : Gamefan - GAMEFAN-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\Gamefan\Desktop\adwcleaner_6.000.exe
# Mode: Scan
# Support :

***** [ Services ] ****...

Re: The new UI is inconvenient

I have justed installed AdwCleaner and unable to resize the application window. This is a problem as the Results pane is obscured which prevents me from uncheck any elements that I want to be keep prior to running the "Clena" process.

Please fix ASAP



Hello and sorry for being inactive, when it repaired my computer I forgot about this forum. So today I checked it and found out a 9 day old reply. Sorry for respondig late. Here is the link for Delfix log:


# DelFix v1.013 - Logfile created 14/08/2016 at 19:32:06 # Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode # Username : win7 - WIN7-PC # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (64 bits)

~ Act...

Re: AdwCleaner 6.000 keeps crashing the PC on clicking Clean button

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Can you provide us the whole list of running processes ?

In powershell (you can launch it with the Start Menu), enter the following command and copy/paste the content in your next answer :


 Best regards,

AdwCleaner 6.000 keeps crashing the PC on clicking Clean button


I have windows 10 64-bit, and have gotten some infestation of SEARCHING.COM adware lately. I came across this tool which scanned all the malicious objects in my system including the registry keys and scheduled programs. 

However when I click the "Clean" button, my PC crashes (with a blue screen saying CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED). I tried to check the Debug Log, but there are no entries for ...