Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

doublechecked too it goes likes this:

survey -> close browser -> run adwcleaner -> pups found -> dont repair -> open browser again AND delete cookies -> close browser -> run adw cleaner again -> no pups found - so 100% cookie related - probably just gathering personal data via those i would guess and making profit over those eventho they pay you for survey 

Re: Comment supprimer des dossiers vides dans mes images


Les dossiers vides ce sont des photos que j'avais dézippées et que j'ai replacée sur mon disque My passport car j'en avais au dessus de 1500 photos divisés en 6 dossiers. Et c'est seulement ces 6 dossiers qui ne veulent pas se supprimer.  A voir le lien cjoint que j'ai envoyé pour comprendre mon problème.



Re: Comment supprimer des dossiers vides dans mes images


J'ai connecté mon disque dur externe et fait ouvrir toutes mes images de 1 à 6. Après cela je l'ai éjecter et redémarrer l'ordinateur. Cela n'a rien changé. Impossible de faire disparaître ces dossiers vides du  "C" de la biblothèque " Mes Images"

Quoi faire pour qu'ils disparaissent à jamais. Je crois que cela est dû à la mise à jour 1803?

Avez-vous une autre solution?



Removing artifacts from meshes

Hi all,

Is there any way to remove meshes that are wrongly modelled? We have scanned a model, and it seems that someone stood in front the entrance for a while, and the camera considered his head as an object. Now we have a floating artifact in the middle of the entrance. Can it be removed?

I'm not talking about modifying the mesh, as far as I know we can't do it, but this is a floating objec...

Re: Unable to open AdwCleaner 7.1.1.


problem solved by saving AdwCleaner 7.1.1. and in order to open it, I added item to TaskBar. As last step version 7.1.0. was deleted

Thank you and best regards.

Re: Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses


Sorry for the late answer.

These detections are not keyloggers, don't worry. What web browser are you using?


Re: Adwcleaner vs Malwarebytes


AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes 3.0 do not always share the same exact detections "list".

Please take a look at this:


Re: Unable to open AdwCleaner 7.1.1.


Can you give us some more details - Why are you unable to start AdwCleaner 7.1.1?


Re: Newest versions of AdwCleaner


Sorry for the late answer.

Currently, you need to run a scan with AdwCleaner in order to get the update notification. We might add an option to "check for updates" in an upcoming version.


Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi yankeelady2015, you simply did a miracle! I performed the scannow as requested 16 day ago (CBS log posted above, with repairs). I tested the pc at reboot for about 10 days....always perfect!!! Thanks this wonderful forum my 10-years-old pc seems now to be a brand new pc! boot process in 3 minutes (inclusive antivirus) and zero hangs, zero BSOD: very good. I warmly warmly thank you a lot!!!! ...