Re: adwcleaner will not run on 32 bit Windows 10


Can you please try with the following version:

Tell me if it works.


Re: Did AdwCleaner Remove Required Registry Files?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Josh ;) Considering my uninstall folder is empty and none of the mentioned file registries are crucial, I don't see any problems that might come from removing those. It could be a malicious registry added to alter your search or download malware, but other than that, you should be good to go. (I am not an expert at registries, just slightly knowledgeable)

Re: Supprimer Comodo, GG, Freeven & Systweak

Thanks for reporting the issues. Make sure you cleanup your PC thoroughly using Adwcleaner, Malwarebytes, and maybe even Hitman Pro, as that malware can not only hijack your browser but potentially leak your private information.

Supprimer Comodo, GG, Freeven & Systweak

Bonjour à tous,


j'ai voulu essayer l'antimalware comodo CIS firewall, et je me retrouve avec GeekBuddy, Yahoo, et autres outils signés comodo, il occupe trop de mémoire (espace disque sur C:/ et ram)


et sur Baidu pc appstore j'ai voulu mettre à jour mes apps je me retrouve avec "GG":

d'oû la capture d'écran de cet adware écrit d'une langue étrangère avec une icone en soleil(pour moi c'...

Re: adwcleaner won't run on windows 10 64-bit?

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


It was a human error (mine actually) after an update which led to this issue. It has been resolved since, everything is back to normal so you can download AdwCleaner again.

Sorry for the issue,

Re: adwcleaner won't run on windows 10 64-bit?

dans AdwCleaner par sashaman

I got that too, I noticed i always got wrong Chcksums from the author's site.

I tried with different browser to no avail, then tried and made it from Filehippo with right checksum.

Now running it, it told me it's an old version and I should download the newer one, though everything seems right as above and in "about" info

emagi, 2017-09-02 22:50:44 (UTC)

as emagi stated in the previous th...

Re: My AdwCleaner has a problem

dans AdwCleaner par emagi

I got that too, I noticed i always got wrong Chcksums from the author's site.

I tried with different browser to no avail, then tried and made it from Filehippo with right checksum.

Now running it, it told me it's an old version and I should download the newer one, though everything seems right as above and in "about" info

Re: My AdwCleaner has a problem


Are you using the latest version of AdwCleaner ( as I speak) ?



Re: Win XP support


Let me disagree with you :)

Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 in 32 & 64 bits.

This is written at download page. So XP is not supported. And please look at this link - So you can see that in spite of Russian language - site I gave in previous message is quite legitimate and it in accordance with fr33tux at ...

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par Sandor

Let me disagree with you :)

Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 in 32 & 64 bits.

This is written at download page. So XP is not supported. And please look at this link - So you can see that in spite of Russian language - site I gave in previous message is quite legitimate and it in accordance with fr33tux at last.