Re: Toolslib decided to remove my programs.


I would like to bring more clarity on what you're saying.

Some of our users reported some issues about one of your software, here is the VirusTotal Analysis link:

..and it's the same case for some of your other software.

I also would like to rectify a point: Yo...

Re: Problème infection récalcitrance


Essayez de désactiver la protection residente de Panda Cloud puis :

  • Vous pouvez relancer AdwCleaner et cette fois-ci lancez le nettoyage. Partagez-moi le rapport généré dans votre prochaine réponse.
  • Ensuite, pouvez-vous lancez une nouvelle analyse avec Malwarebytes ? Partagez-moi aussi le rapport généré dans votre prochaine réponse.


cocochepeau, 2017-03-03 07:53:51 (UTC)


Re: downloading software

dans ToolsLib par fr33tux


Currently, the software is called "adwcleaner_6.044".

It ahould have been downloaded in your Desktop folder or Downloads.

Re: Problème infection récalcitrance


Faites attention à ce que vous télécharger / installez.

Quel est votre antivirus actuel ?

Nous allons reprendre depuis le début. Pendant ce temps, essayez de ne pas installer de "logiciels douteux" :

Re: Problems with adwcleaner

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Please take a look to the documentation, and tell us if it has fixed the issue:


Re: Problème infection récalcitrance

Mea culpa, c'est moi qui suis désolé, je ne l'ai effectivement pas précisé.

demain soir vers 19H30.

moutyremc, 2017-02-28 21:00:55 (UTC)

C'est noté !

Re: Problems with adwcleaner


Can you try with this version :

It should prevent the multiple tabs opening in Chrome at least. If so, we'll then fix the sqlite3.dll issue.


Re: zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system


Can you give us the report of ZHPCleaner ?

Destrio5, 2017-02-27 05:57:17 (UTC)


here is my log file.

Not able to install MBAM

I have installed the first time, 2 weeks ago, the free trial of Malwarebytes, in 4 days the free trial shall expire.

Tonight I tried to open malwarebytes for a check and it was not possible.

So I decided to reinastall mallwarebytes, I could download the software without any problem but when 

 it starts to install on my PC after 5 seconds I get a message that a fault has occured and that it c...

Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?


We're doing our best to provide fully working updates, and it takes time (tests, internal feedbacks, translations..). Obviously, many things happen in the background. We will never publish a new release every 15 days just because we have to increase the version number. It doesn't make sense.

As fr33tux said:

  • the database is still updated nearly daily to include new definitions wi...