ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

dans AdwCleaner par SavaTom

Simple Help from

File requested to whitelist is called SimpleService.exe


Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode

dans AdwCleaner par fixit

Good morning! So I re-ran AdwCleaner in Safe Mode, pressed Clean when it found 30 threats, and was once again prevented from a boot menu upon pressing F8 at startup. Argh!  

There is not a file called C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log.

AdwCleaner[C2] looks like this:

# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Logfile created 03/09/2016 at 09:13:48 # Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-09-03.1 [S...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode

dans AdwCleaner par fixit

Hey there,

I'm damn lucky because I had backed up my registry 2 days ago (I forgot until coming across another forum thread.) I just imported it into my registry and although the import did not fully complete (as some elements were currently in use), I WAS able to access the boot menu with F8 and choose Safe Mode after. Whew!

Next thing: AdwCleaner crashed on me at the end as I said, and it h...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode

dans AdwCleaner par fixit

Hi, thanks for responding.

Well that should be good news!

Is the log file the same as the application file in Malwarebytes? It is not very detailed....


Here is the last file of the last scan I did (of several):

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 31/08/2016 Scan Time: 3:25:56 PM Logfile: mbam.txt Administrator: Yes

Version: Malware Database: v2016.08.31...

Re: Error message: This app can't run on your PC,

dans AdwCleaner par regist

1) Please, do the log MBAM as it noticed  below:

Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware or from the mirror. Install it (during setup do not choose free test period), update bases setup proxy if needed). Click on Scan tab, choose Custom and click on Scan Option. Choose all disk drives in next window, choose Warn in drop-down menu and press Scan.Do not delete nothing by yourself!!! After scan compl...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode

dans AdwCleaner par fixit

Here is the logfile. Two were actually made, 15 minutes apart. This is the later one:

# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Logfile created 01/09/2016 at 19:26:40 # Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-09-01.2 [Server] # Operating System : Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium Service Pack 2 (X86) # Username : # Running from : C:\Users\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.010.exe # Mode: Clean # Support : https://...

AdwCleaner can not delete a thread

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Please help me,

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 30/08/2016 at 19:08:51 # Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-08-23.1 [Local] # Operating System : Windows 8.1 Pro  (X64) # Username : PT.NB - ACER # Running from : D:\NBKC\Komputer\Software\adwcleaner_6.000.exe # Mode: Clean # Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

[!] Service not deleted: 2cad402bf3...

Re: AdwCleaner can't remove Program Files (x86)\MPC Cleaner

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Ah, minor problems remain.

Opera now works again as my default browser.  However, Opera could not see that it was the default browser until I used Windows: Control Panel: Default Programs to set it as the default.

Even then:

  • Neither Windows: Settings: System: Default apps: Web browser nor Windows: Settings: System: Default apps: Choose default applications by protocol: HTTP shows any of the ...


dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


thanks. When you loose the file explorer, please do the following:

  • Window key + "r"
  • enter "explorer.exe", then press [Enter]

Can you unselect UCGuard and reclean ?


Re: Autolt error line 11754

dans AdwCleaner par Psyzo


Le problème n'as pas été corrigée pour ma part, (même erreur mais "Line 14856") :

Autolt Error : Line 14856 (File "C:\Users\enzoc\Documents\Logiciels\adwcleaner_6.0010.exe"):


Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.

Ma config (Lenovo Z51-70 - Laptop) :

- i7 5500U

- 12 Go ram

- Amd Readon R7 m360 / HD Graphic 5500

- Win...