Thanks for the advice. I agree with you that reports of antivirus programs in xml format are indeed not always convenient to read. But you can, for example, convert them to a convenient txt or doc format. In most cases, you don't even need third-party software for this. Instructions on how to do this can be found on Instagram. Remember that you can always use the help of services to quickly increase the number of your post likes.
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Wow, this is really cool, I needed this kind of program, I'm usually a hard worker and I can't devote time to editing the desktop, this program is just me.
I came to know that if anyone want to design an app he should have computer programming knowledge. I thought designing app is something like designing my blog were you have drag and drop options for everything you want to keep in your website.
Thanks for the advice. I agree with you that reports of antivirus programs in xml format are indeed not always convenient to read. But you can, for example, convert them to a convenient txt or doc format. In most cases, you don't even need third-party software for this. Instructions on how to do this can be found on Instagram. I was able to find about a dozen of such instructions there and I noticed that usually such instructions had about 27 thousand likes! I'm sure this is because their authors use services to buy likes.
@cocochepeau Oui obfuscator. Quel programme d'obscurcissement recommanderiez-vous?
Il n'y a jamais de virus dans le programme.
Il y a probablement un problème avec le programme que j'utilise pour protéger le code.
Bonjour , je voudrai savoir si ce programme est gratuit ? Merci
Gracias amigo, es un buen aporte para los que necesitan de este tipo de programa, aca en Perú los virus mas comunes son AntiUsbShortCut.exe, AntiUsbShortCut, los autoruns, carpetas con letras por ejemplo: sylpxjfhngmnjjdnfbb, gdfirjymhlkjonjkjik, etc, las extensiones .ink, carpetas newplayndknfnvfjmm.
Hola EmilianoCFacio, si, cuando dá error, automaticamente se genera un reporte con todos los datos que el programa recopila. Me sirve para ver donde ocurrió el error y si el virus está realmente ahí. Los reportes se guardan en "C:/USB FILE RESC" es opcional enviar los archivos al correo.