TNTCrypter is now available!
It comes with the new picture injection module, debugging options, FAQ and even more!
TNTCrypter has exceeded 1300 downloads for a period of 10 months now!
Thanks for supporting the project!
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein
Be careful!!!
Adwcleaner ver.5.108
Damage Windows 8.0 Pro.
Possible damage to your computer.
Demage Windows 7 without updating the graphics card.
Brilliant tool. Extremely easy to use and hooray! did the job. So grateful. Is there anywhere I can make a donation?
Please note that running this program without supervision can cause your computer to not operate correctly. Therefore only run this program at the request of an experienced helper.
Have the same key like the user "BakuDM" (see below) on my 3 laptops (maybe a false/positive-detection) :
Schlüssel Gefunden : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot\Certificates\3679CA35668772304D30A5FB873B0FA77BB70D54
see yahhhh....!
For some reason after the last update it's detecting 2 Registry entries and one of them is related to Windows Defender, so I suppose it is a false positive.
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot\Certificates\3679CA35668772304D30A5FB873B0FA77BB70D54
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\Image File Execution Options\MsMpEng.exe
Good program helps!
BUT! I could not remove bsdriver.sys, because he went out ads in the browser.
AVZ helped.
Please correct!
Developer Xplode
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for providing the world's best anti-malware tool.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for continuing to support Windows XP.
If your web page had a DONATE NOW button, I would quickly click it.
Developer Xplode.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for providing one of the most effective anti-malware tools in the world.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for continuing to support Windows XP. Without AdWare,
I could not safely use the Internet with XP...since so many 'paid' anti-malware software stopped supporting XP.
If you had a Donate Now button, I would click it immediately.
TNTCrypter is now available!
TNTCrypter has exceeded 1170 downloads for a period of 9 months now!
Migrated from STI to MDI, changed the design and two new modules are now available.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." - Terry Pratchett
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